It's just a shot of their desktop, happens all the time. PB takes a screen shot of the desktop, not the game. Could have tabbed out of the game, or may they are using dual monitors.
I think x-ray is a client side application that some leagues like twl require in order to play.
Never used it so I'm not 100% on that.
Hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries here, but it's probably this:
If in fact that is a COD4 GUID.... evenbalance ban to boot.
Probably should have started a new thread but in any event.
I would avoid editing the .dat files by hand, you could just type the commands in for each command/power point assignment by hand in the console or some rcon utility and the .dat files will be created/modified.
pb_sv_powerguid <32 character guid> 100
pb_sv_rcon 100 pb_sv_power
I set mine up right in the pbsvuser.cfg or pbsv.cfg by adding lines similar to this:
//pb power setup player admins
pb_sv_powerguid <32 character guid> 100 "cseverson"
pb_sv_powerguid <32 character guid> 90 "player_name1"
pb_sv_powerguid <32 character guid> 80 "player_name2"
pb_sv_powerguid <32 character guid> 70 "player name 3"
//pb power setup commands
pb_sv_rcon 50 map
pb_sv_rcon 50 g_gametype
pb_sv_rcon 50 map_rotate
pb_sv_rcon 50 pb_sv_getSS
pb_sv_rcon 50 pb_sv_kick
pb_sv_rcon 50 say
pb_sv_rcon 60 scr_game_allowkillcam
pb_sv_rcon 60 scr_player_forcerespawn
pb_sv_rcon 60 scr_hardcore
pb_sv_rcon 60 scr_oldschool_mw
pb_sv_rcon 60 g_gravity
pb_sv_rcon 70 g_allowvote
pb_sv_rcon 80 pb_sv_ban
pb_sv_rcon 90 g_password
pb_sv_rcon 100 pb_sv_power
Restart punkbuster and you should be good to go. There's a bit more to it all then that but it will get you started.
I also see from the pic you posted earlier that you are in the directory /pb.
The pb directory should be under the game directory /codww/pb
Something like that.
I have a couple of cod4 servers from stealthservers running on linux and setting them up with their game panel is not much different then a windows based gsp.
In the picture of the directory there is no pbsvuser.cfg while I'm not 100% sure I think that just comes with a standard pb install.... maybe create that first and see what happens.
Other then that if they can't help you move on... punkbuster is standard fare I don't understand that customer service really.
I guess what I'm driving at is:
If your are renting from a gsp then they should be able to help you.
If you are renting a linux box and running a game server it's a little different. What kind of access do you have... just ftp?
Do you shell access?
Nevermind.... I see the server is from
Have you asked them for help?
Oldie but goodie.
Some kind of communication gap here, I'm sure the customer said something like:
I would like a cake with this on it:
"Best Wishes Suzanne"
and underneath that
"We Will Miss You"
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