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Everything posted by GA-PvtJoker

  1. lol Ste you suckup jk ;) On a serious note... I've lost my SGA status about a year ago when I gave up our little clanserver cause the game we were playing just got too old and unpopular so I haven't been on PBBANS site as much with my limited access but from my "active" time I remember everybody from staff always being helpful and many times going out of their way to find solutions to peoples problems so ...big applause to everyone :clapsmiley:
  2. <hint> One ring to rule them all.... </hint> on a sidenote...can't wait for this either \o/ http://youtu.be/o-D79P1ScdU
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html
  4. Hello! It all depends on the flags you have set in your AccountPanel for your server(s): http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html
  5. Hallo! Kurz gesagt: "Abwarten". Ein Accountsstaff (fozzer, Duality, etc) wird sich um Eure Bewerbung k
  6. Hallo! Du musst HIER einen Thread mit Deinem Anliegen eröffnen, dann wird das von einem PBBANS Staffmitglied erledigt.
  7. Hallo! Hast Du Dir schon mal die Streaminganleitungen durchgelesen? http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html Hier sind verschiedene Möglichkeiten beschrieben, wie Du einen BC2 server zum Streamen bringst. (Automated setup tool, per Rcon, mit BC Guardian)... Desweiteren benötigst Du noch einen Teamaccount für Deinen Clan, dabei musst Du beachten, dass Du alle Voraussetzungen erfüllst. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php mfg
  8. You know I've been following this whole discussion from the beginning but never posted cause I'm not a COD player although I mostly share your views about the missing dedicated servers and the impossability of choosing a server yourself (which quite frankly peed me off about BF Heroes)
  9. Yay, so now you made it even before you birthday and don't have to wait that long anymore.
  10. Sorry, aber irgendwie hast Du den Sinn hinter Pbbans nicht so ganz verstanden oder? <_< Pbbans ist eine
  11. Have you filled out the application form also yet? http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php Because I can't seem to find you in the lists.
  12. Hi there! You can apply for a streaming account here: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php And please make sure you read the PBBans Hub Streaming Guide here: http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide
  13. [url=http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satzzeichen]http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satzzeichen
  14. Hallo! Laut Server/Teamaccountinfo habt Ihr noch keine Bans, bist Du sicher, dass Du nicht von den Hubnachrichten sprichst,die man sieht wenn jemand auf einem anderen Server gebannt wird? mfG
  15. Hallo! Sieht so aus, als w
  16. Hallo! Die Antwort findest Du hier:
  17. Allo! :lol:
  18. Hallo! Wenn Du Dir Deinen Screenie nochmal genau anschaust, dann wirst Du auch sehen warum: Sieht so aus als w
  19. Well as you can see in my signature there's still a Battlefield Jolt banner .... but that will soon be gone... The time has come for an update, We are moving away from the Jolt forums and website, and to a more dedicated site setup for the Jolt Battlefield Community. We would like everyone who is interested to create a forum account over at http://www.fsfa.org as these forums (the battlefield forums at forums.joltonline.com) will be closed soon. We will also be rebranding our battlefield servers to fsfa.org, the IPs will be staying the same so no need to worry there. Why the move? as I am sure you all know by now, Jolt is no longer a GSP, as such we have decided it will be in our best interests to take the community to a new site dedicated to them and the servers. This will allow us to grow in terms of renting servers for the newer games (1943, heroes, 2142). Over the coming week or 2 we will be implementing a lot of content into the new site, we are looking to setup a battlefield 2 ban list and stats section, this will run alongside our existing Battlefield:Vietnam stats and ban lists. We are also introducing a new contribution scheme called member plus. Member Plus has yet to be finalised, but it will enable people to contribute a small amount of cash each month to help keep the servers running, and expand the games we offer. Being a supporter will give you a few extra perks, some of which are.. * Having a reserved slot on our servers * Immunity from Idle Kicks * Custom forum Title, and coloured name * email account (hasnt been finalised yet) so, once again, vists the new site http://fsfa.org and get posting. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, but please do so on the new site . Thanks for reading [Jolt][GA]|CL|PvtJoker Deputy Head Admin BFV and Member of GameActionClan: www.gameactionclan.de For a serverlist please click below:
  20. Thanks !
  21. Would it be okay to advertise here a bit for a new or rather made over Battlefield community? If not just let me know here and I won't.
  22. Best of luck to you Sir! And thanks for all the hard work and effort trying to keep the gameservers around the world a fun place to play on for the honest players.
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