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Everything posted by Kite

  1. He's still making these stupid claims? What an idiot... (I know he can't respond to these, but whatever.) No anti-cheat is perfect, dedede. No they don't. How the heck is 83rd a hacking squad? lawlz conshpeeracy It could have done 3rd party streaming, demo-submitting, and a heck of a lot more than what VAC does not.
  2. Very cool, MaydaX. :)
  4. And now, we resume our regular broadcasting banning. :P
  5. 1. Unless the server is streaming to PBBans, we can't do anything about it. 2. Streaming or not, Xfire videos can't be accepted as evidence, as they can be edited. Only demo submissions are allowed.
  6. Other than it being some kind of hack, we don't know exactly what program it is. Only EvenBalance knows.
  7. And thus, the never ending "ZOMG ANALYZIS FRAEM BAI FRAMZ" topics on the IW forums quadruple. Anyway...a few confirmations. - Customizable Killstreaks - Receive AC 130 Gunship for 11 kill streak / AC 130 has flares. - AA12 Shotgun - UAV Jammer weapon add-on - Heartbeat sensor add-on - AT4 Stingers - New fonts - Army Rangers, SAS, OpFor, Spetnaz forces - Losing / Tie / Winning now on mini scoreboard thing, rather than up-top. - new Challenges - Sticky nades
  8. #1 - Look at the recoil on the RPD, do you EVER recall the RPD having that kind of recoil? Even if he had grip, it's pretty obvious that there's no recoil. #2 - This is on a Hardcore server. The UAV isn't up all the time. #3 - While it is true that you can shoot through walls, this guy knows EXACTLY where to shoot and exactly where people are, rather than guessing spots. Oh and yes, I recorded this demo also.
  9. Nothing we can do unless the server is streaming to PBBans in order to clarify the evidence w/ streaming logs. Not to mention that SS like these isn't allowed as evidence on the Master Ban Index, and the fact that he hasn't joined any PBBans-streaming server.
  10. Once again, nothing can really be done unless the server is streaming to PBBans
  11. Didn't notice it before, but the GameSpot person typed the cvar wrong. It should be: /cg_huddamageiconheight 1
  12. http://tinyurl.com/lhsmsl
  13. Nothing new, because someone decided that hijacking a 3 year old thread was a good idea instead of making a new thread >.>;
  14. It looks like your CD Key was stolen. Nope, you can't get unbanned if your appeal is denied, as then the hacker can just start hacking again, and that would be unfair. Might want to run your antivirus programs to check if viruses got into your computer (as the hacker may have gotten your key through that way.) The only real way to get "unbanned" is to get another CD key.
  15. Nothing PBBans can do unless 1. The server was streaming to PBBans. 2. You get a demo of him hacking on a PBBans streaming server.
  16. Your GUID was banned by GGC. You need to go to GGC-Stream.com and file an appeal with them, as they are the ones responsible for the ban.
  17. Already done. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=96068&hl=
  18. Other than a linked ban to a America's Army GUID, every linked GUID you have comes out clean.
  19. Desktop showing with a speaker volume control. Bug usually caused by Alt-Tab, non bannable.
  20. A guy who tried to connect to your server was already on the Master Ban Index, so he got an enforced ban because of that.
  21. The link you posted is the PBBans Cheat Submission. Submitting a cheat to PBBans will allow them to run MD5 checks to scan the game folder for the particular cheat file and ban if necessary. However, they can't make cheats detected. research [at] evenbalance.com is the EvenBalance cheat submission. Submtting a cheat to EvenBalance allows them to do everything PBBans does while also making cheats detected through PunkBuster. Again, EvenBalance =/= PBBans.
  22. 1. PBBans is not EvenBalance. They do not share the research email. 2. Just because something isn't detected for days doesn't mean they're ignoring you. Trying to make cheats detected is not something that takes only a few days to do. It could take weeks or months, depending on the cheat.
  23. First off, are you talking about the PBBans Cheat Submission or the EvenBalance cheat submission (research [at] evenbalance.com)? Second, just because you don't get a response from PBBans/EvenBalance doesn't mean they're ignoring you. (Unless they actually said they think it's fake.) Try to make your point clearer.
  24. PBBans can't really do anything at all. #1 - Xfire videos can't be submitted, as they can be editable. Only demos can be submitted. #2 - That server isn't streaming to PBBans. PBBans only accepts demos from servers that are streaming to PBBans. Not to mention that the server is cracked...meaning the server wouldn't be applicable for streaming in the first place. You can try get a local ban on your server done, but other than that, there's nothing else PBBans can do.
  25. Just because you don't get a response doesn't mean it's been ignored or anything like that. And a quick reminder that PBBans is not EvenBalance (creators of PunkBuster). PBBans can scan for cheat files and ban if it's found, but PBBans can't make undetected hacks detected, that is done by EvenBalance (if you haven't gotten it already, EB's cheat submission email is research [at] evenbalance.com, replacing [at] with @)
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