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Everything posted by daniel3009

  1. :lol::lol::lol: exactly what i was thinking.
  2. i pmsl at the second one, Pull my finger.....GTFO lol brilliant
  3. try this one, im not used to using IPB ;) http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo
  4. thats why were waiting for the final release :D
  5. great they fix one hack but what about the other hundred hacks out there ? quote from @http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo/
  6. lol Fail :lol::lol::lol: and yeah i think MW2 will quickly drop in the stats ranking its defo not gonna last long proving that eye candy isnt worth S**T:P
  7. lol brilliant pics I found this
  8. thanks :D
  9. ok thanks :(
  10. i was just wondering if pbbans are going to remove the second new navigation bar (with the blue background) ?
  11. repped nice post
  12. the boycott was an EPIC-FAIL mostly because most of the ppl (at least in our clan) stating im not gonna buy the game went out and bought it anyway :( the game does look awesome though
  13. for those who havent seen it http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/27045
  14. http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/battlefield_bad_company/archive/2009/11/03/a-thank-you-to-eddie-j-fan-kit-v-2.aspx :D shame they have hacks out already :( i defo wont be buying anyway
  15. looks awesome :D
  16. all they had to do to make COD6 a huge hit was clean up the graffix adds some more storyline add a couple of more guns and features like the knife throwing and custom kill streaks and the game would have been flying off the shelfs shame :( also how is that answering the question ? i think thats everybody's goal isnt it what they should have done is just came straight out with it and said
  17. Sounding better everyday :D
  18. pmsl :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Most of our clan is already considering buying BF:BC2 im buying it for sure now. :)
  20. We can still hope till they decide to crush it :(
  21. $3.6 million is still a hit for them to take as that could have been money in there pockets. why not just have both for this version of cod to let us see and try out this whole IWNET concept before ripping out the hearts of all the communitys out there , it would be bad enough to loose punkbuster never mind both punkbuster and dedi-servers at the same time why didnt they just ease it in slowly rather than one big leap ?
  22. Im sorry i didnt mean to cause any offence. I dont know German as my first language is English so i only went by the subtitles and dont have a clue what there actually saying but ill lold at the subtitles
  23. for those who havnt seen it I lold
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