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Crotan last won the day on January 26 2014

Crotan had the most liked content!

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    Forward Line of Own Troops
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    Battlefield Bad Company 2
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  1. Fixed for you ;)
  2. Don't worry the ISP's will be blackmailing valve for money just as they do netflix as soon as they realize how many of their customers use steam, and how much bandwidth it consumes :crazy:
  3. for COD4 if the demo is from the in game demo system and the server is steaming then bans can be had from a demo.
  4. I think they're going to regret buying the homefront name from THQ
  5. Probably picked up by crytek after THQ sold off their rights to different titles
  6. More like the witcher 3!
  7. Well get them sorted ;)
  8. As far as I know they do far more than spam, a large chunk of enterprise level customer facing websites sit behind one CDN or another. Doesn't this website use cloudflare? Same business model no?
  9. you can grab any of the xml feeds, and do whatever from there. Their latest 25, 50 ban xml feeds are pretty standard. For instance, we take our team's bans, and rebuild a MBi like page on our website from one xml file. [FLOT Server Bans] We also have the rss feed of cheaters caught on our servers auto posted with the functionality built into vbulletin to automatically post feeds.
  10. Lol reading that, I have to think it's fake. It feels like an onion article.
  11. Titan mode returns!
  12. Crotan

    Fake guid

    It means they haven't been seen on a streaming server. Playing information is gathered from servers that stream, not just those that have PB enabled. You are doing a disservice to yourself and your own efforts by not streaming. If the player population declines from streaming you'll be able to check the kick/ban logs and see why, and for good reason why a player is kicked. (Enforced ban) You should stream your server ASAP, especially for a game such as cod4 which had one of the largest MBi records...
  13. Let's be real any top developers attached to the botched sim city release were probably being pressured to leave. They fucked that up beyond belief.
  14. huh? Didn't DICE just announce the same content lock? We're not working on DLC until we smooth out the kinks deal. I feel like it's just some marketing speal that they figured would boost sales and public reception. Just pitching this to save face, and now every developer is going to supposedly enter a "content lock". Please, stop being spoon fed.
  15. I'll second PBscreens. But you should also get streaming here! PBscreens will make checking the screenshots a breeze, but more importantly once it flags a cheat screenshot, and trust me from play4free there will be more than a few, you need to get them submitted here. http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html
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