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Everything posted by Kolor

  1. Yep, num locks on and off, and tried every key on the keyboard. --E2A Mr Observation here was using 0.56.
  2. Ace: Tried all numpad keys and can't find a way to turn this on. Am I missing something or just suffering a bout of stupidity?
  3. How was this screenshot taken?
  4. Been running this on one of our smaller servers. I checked everywhere for a hidden entrance to Mos Eisley Cantina ;) Shame there is only one map so far, but seems fun.
  5. Happy Christmas to all Staff, SGA's, League Admins and players from everyone @ DeadHooker
  6. Fair enough, I'll be honest and say I didn't bother reading any of the docs. I was just responding to players queries and confirmed this myself. In which case it would have been nice of TeamSpeak to include a download link to the v2 on their temporary page.
  7. Errrrm, just me is this not backward compatible with TS2 servers? If that is the case the dev's at TS need a slap.
  8. tbh I never bothered checking, just used tamper data to get POST fields and edit my stock template.
  9. I hacked up a quick MBi search for Firefox: http://www.deadhooker.co.uk/pbbans/search.html
  10. You can either hand over your rcon password, use a third party application such as AGRcon and limit what they can and cannot do without handing over the password (config limiter), use a product such as big Brother Bot (BBB) or even add power players (http://www.punkbuster.com/publications/cod-pl/index.htm#playerpower). Your call. As for protecting your clan tags on your server (and having them verified on away server) take a look at http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=registry.php.
  11. We all know Modern Warfare is written in Visual Basic ... so why the C? ;) And while I'm all for kicking glitchers off our servers in MW to ban them from playing the game entirely for exploiting a glitch is unfair. Fix the glitch and you don't have the problem.
  12. In the short term (assuming this actually takes off and also assuming the retailers make a successful claim against IW) this shits all over the little guy. I now due to injury work in a small computer shop. We sell games, gaming rigs etc ... we sold MW2. Now every sale we do on credit card takes 45 days to reach our trading account, were as card refunds/chargebacks are ripped directly back. If we now had 100's of customers each claiming back £30 we'd be up shit creek. If we had 1000's we'd close.
  13. They don't need them, it's this type of nut job that makes IED's and sticks them in bins outside HMV. -- e2a "there's blood on the wall now" .... I lol'd.
  14. If the GUID ban is lifted what is to stop the cheater using it again, safe in the knowledge that he is "unbannable" because another clean player also uses the same key?
  15. I suppose technically it would just be called a dem ;) I loved that ... the fast loading carts took away all the fun.
  16. The 0 is just a null terminated string an not a boolean value.
  17. Complete list of _all_ strings from iw4mp.exe: http://www.deadhooker.co.uk/strings.txt
  18. heh, the above mentioned cheat is advertised as "PB Undetected". No shit. Wonder how long (_if_) it takes VAC to retro ban these cheats. 4 - 5 months?
  19. High Quality: http://www.deadhooker.co.uk/BangBang.mp4
  20. DeadHooker vs Infinity Ward: The Last Hurrah http://www.deadhooker.co.uk/BangBang.swf
  21. Wow, no recoil hack too.
  22. Kolor

    Ed Freeman

    He wasn't the first and he certainly won't be the last hero to slip away nearly unnoticed. War doesn't sell papers. God speed solider.
  23. After the crap we've put up with and the lack of console/pb/demos/even leaning for fecks sake, I don't even want the game now, dedicated servers or not.
  24. Do yourself a favour though, seriously, either get you machine formatted or do a thorough scan with a good AV and malware package. If you need a trial key for Nod32 I can give you a 30 day one, and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is free. No point throwing good money after bad, as if you system is still compromised it won't be long before you new key ends up on the master ban index.
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