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Everything posted by Kolor

  1. +1 for use of playclaw
  2. ^^ They are playing consoles ... their opinion holds no weight. Shame!
  3. No, the likely hood of your CD being created by a true key gen is highly unlikely. What is far more likely is that at some point in time, your system has been infected with malware that has retrieved the CD key from your registry and was then either sold or used by a cheat.
  4. Not really, similar code was used in MW2 at the following offsets: 006DBBE4: 'menu_xboxlive_barracks',0 006E3FE4: 'XBOXLIVE_TOTALUSERCOUNT',0 006EB06C: 'User is logged into xbox live',0 006ED354: 'XBOXLIVE_PLAYLISTISNEW',0 006EEC90: 'XBOXLIVE_LOGGEDOFF',0 006F4540: 'XBOXLIVE_MUSTLOGIN',0 006F5674: 'XBOXLIVE_PLAYLISTUSERCOUNT',0 006F6268: 'Script_ShowGamerCard called on non Xbox platform',0Ah,0 006F65C8: 'menu_xboxlive_lobby',0 006F7A50: '@XBOXLIVE_PARTYENDED',0 006F8260: 'XBOXLIVE_PARTYENDED',0 006FC790: 'menu_xboxlive',0 006FCCE8: 'XBOXLIVE_KICKPLAYER',0 0070275C: 'XBOXLIVE_SIGNEDOUT',0 0070573C: 'menu_xboxlive_privatelobby',0 007058DC: 'XBOXLIVE_NETCONNECTION',0 00709100: 'XBOXLIVE_SIGNEDOUTOFLIVE',0 00710A38: 'menu_xboxlive_lobbyended',0 00715AE8: 'XBOXLIVE_CANTJOINSESSION',0 0071651C: 'menu_xboxlive_findgame',0 00719A9C: 'XBOXLIVE_MPNOTALLOWED',0 0071B880: 'exec default_xboxlive.cfg',0 0071EB98: 'set systemlink 0; set splitscreen 0; set onlinegame 1; exec default_xboxlive.cfg',0 0071F4B0: 'true only if this is an xbox live game AND we',27h,'re the host, otherwise false',0 0072099C: 'XBOXLIVE_SIGNINCHANGED',0 007223E8: 'menu_xboxlive_teams',0 00724810: 'Opening private party host reconnect dialog in menu_xboxlive.',0Ah,0 0072CE0C: 'XBOXLIVE_VOICECHATRESTRICTED',0 0072D3D0: 'Player ',27h,'%s',27h,' logged out of Xbox Live',0Ah,0 0072EF78: 'true only if this is an xbox live RANKED game AND we',27h,'re the host, otherwise false',0 007346A8: 'XBOXLIVE_PLAYLISTISOLD',0 007386E0: 'menu_xboxlive_partyended',0
  5. Complete dump of string names (=>5 / Null terminated and Unicode) attached (expands to 23MB so don't attempt to open in Notepad). Plenty of stuff in there regarding hosting servers, if I get a chance over the weekend I'll sit down with it and see if the functionality is actually there. idadump.rar
  6. I'm playing the Arcade version of the zombies with some mates ... worth the price just for that. I feel like a kid again.
  7. Lol I still have an old mono chrome laptop running 3.11 in the loft. --E2A I hear GameServers are using this for their Black Ops infrastructure.
  8. I'd still beg to differ you've taken a step sideways not up, still, it it ain't broke ...
  9. Lucky you had Norton to save you though, right? (LMFAO)
  10. Heh, had a few of those. Meet my new girlfriend:
  11. Done this too.
  12. Very much doubt it. Since this was developed for the console the maps are limited to 24 players and (and I'm generalising terribly here) most console players want and are used to that fast paced frantic action. I think I'll be capping our servers at 10 - 14 players at most.
  13. Played the beta originally and was not impressed. Will give the open beta another chance in the hope the improvements and tweaks have made it into this release.
  14. Fixed
  15. Pfft, will probably emerge that Activision is now a majority share holder of GameServers.
  16. Sorry for thread hijacking but gameservers have a statement on their website regarding the exclusivity. So much for open market :(
  17. as quoted on our site:@
  18. I was referring to dedicated servers, not a game server.
  19. Seems gameserver.com only have dedi's available in NY/NJ only too. Shambles.
  20. I can live with paid DLC, especially as it will now have to stand up against community made mods and add-ons after the announcement of mod tools.
  21. I believe nvidia was not giving them enough 4 series GPUs quite simply. I managed to offload my BFG 295 just a few weeks ago, glad I did before this happened otherwise I'd have gotten a lot less.
  22. There is a thread here where you can add your protected tags for other admins to add to their configs.
  23. I'd like PB for the familiarity of admining it, but as MaydaX says, for me that is not a deal breaker.
  24. Administration = Receivership.
  25. Anyone with a packet sniffer would have your login credentials if you use your username / passwd as part of the FTP URI.
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