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Everything posted by Kolor

  1. Causes issues with Promod (unable to tab out of game, just displays Windows cursor over game) if you start the it with Playclaw running, but ok if you load it after you've loaded the mod.
  2. I bought a license for it some time in 2010 / 2.X branch, not had to pay any more for new versions since then including the latest 4.X. Having TS open on another machine is not really a solution if you scrim, same with the iPhone (Android version in free by the way).
  3. My primary reason for buying it was the TS overlay and that's not changed a huge deal over the last few major versions so can't comment if it's better in other aspects. The 3.x in game would often become unresponsive for me meaning I had to tab out and kill the process to get back to game.
  4. High
  5. The in game menu on the 3.x branch was sketchy at best anyway.
  6. Can't seem to find option / hot key settings for in game menu on this version. Am i missing it somewhere?
  7. Played fine on a 5870 2GB for me (dx11 / 1980x1080 / high).
  8. 3rd person ... glad I saved a buck.
  9. The fact this is a Far Cry 3 thread and you're trying to steer the conversation in a completely off-topic direction would be the derailment. Feel free to ask in a relevant thread or create your own.
  10. I agree with Pisi-Deff. Although your question may have been valid derailing a thread just because an EB staff member was active just isn't cricket.
  11. :P (with hindsight would have been (a lot) faster to just photoshop this)
  12. An hour of FFA Killhouse? Duuuuuuuuuuude...
  13. Well they do say a picture paints a thousand works ... shame that one doesn't paint her her phone number mind.
  14. Washington has made ground but not enough.
  15. Colorado would still be smiling :)
  16. Glad you're back safe and well Taz, Quite a bit of weather you had there for a while.
  17. Fixed that for you https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18929527/20121004_150529.jpg
  18. Wow looks like a nice game when you take out the blue wash, DICE devs must have been drinking if they thought the end result looked better.
  19. After the noise-fest I counter
  20. Windows 8 (despite being in RTM stage) is still considered non-release/beta to Evenbalance who have said on many occasions they do not support beta operating systems. You may have to wait a little while to get full support.
  21. congrats on the promotion

    1. jokerfearless


      thanks kolor

  22. I personally downloaded my ban list, ran a regex to extract the IP's then ran them through a geo lookup. From 1000 bans on my cod4 server I found Russia, Germany then Poland to be source of the of most bans accounting for around 52% between them.
  23. Those vape chambers are pretty good at cooling to be fair.
  24. Add a "heartbeat" to your pbsv.cfg and restart punkbuster, something like pb_sv_task 0 1800 pb_sv_ver Sometimes streaming can drop if your server is empty for long periods, this should overcome that.
  25. Yeah I get like a white noise in the background when I use that, counteracts the tinnitus but better the devil you know (and have learned to live with).
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