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Everything posted by Kolor

  1. Bind search just that, searches and out puts to the current pb log file. You'll need something that can parse your logs and act on the output such as Big Brother Bot. IMO kicking for this is a joke as the same can be accomplished with scroll up/down, 1/2 or whatever your wepon switches are set to. This bind has been around for an eternity as offer no advantage. It has nothing to do with firing faster, for that you'd need to search for vstr's
  2. 50619 is a valid detection.
  3. Original http://xkcd.com/149/
  4. Unlikely, probably more to do with VMProtect than a standard activation technology.
  5. I had problems with Playclaw 3's overlays. After positioning one and returning to the main config screen the entire thing would become unresponsive. I could lighlight menu options and buttons but they wouldn't register clicks and using the hot key I set did sweet FA. Only fix was restart either playclaw or game (cod4).
  6. “Of course we’re not happy when people are pirating our games, so we are signing with legal firms and torrent sneaking companies,” said CD Projekt co-founder Marcin Iwinski back in November 2010. TorrentFreak wasn’t really surprised by the statement. CD Projekt had done exactly the same before with the first installment of The Witcher. “Mark our words, CD Projekt aren’t going to get an easy ride with this,” we predicted back then. But would they carry it through? While trawling through endless Germany-based lawsuits in connection with another issue, the answer was right there – documents which showed that CD Projekt were sending so-called pay-up-or-else letters to alleged pirates demanding more than 900 euros per time. So, early December 2011, we reported what we’d found. Response to the news was mixed. Some thought it was OK to chase down pirates but soon it became clear that this company, who had built up so much goodwill with impressive games and a refreshing attitude to DRM, risked damaging their hard-earned reputation with people they needed onside – the gaming press and their readers. One of CD Projekt’s most vocal opponents (TF aside) were RockPaperShotgun, who proceeded to give the company a pretty hard time over their actions. Their arguments are well-worn, centering on the potential of accusing the innocent with disproportionate actions. But now, just a couple of months later, it is all over. “In early December, [a TorrentFreak] article was published about a law firm acting on behalf of CD Projekt RED, contacting individuals who had downloaded The Witcher 2 illegally and seeking financial compensation for copyright infringement,” says CD Projekt’s Marcin Iwinski in a statement sent to RPS. “The news about our decision to combat piracy directly, instead of with DRM, spread quickly and with it came a number of concerns from the community.” “Repeatedly, gamers just like you have said that our methods might wrongly accuse people who have never violated our copyright and expressed serious concern about our actions,” Iwinski adds. “Being part of a community is a give-and-take process. We only succeed because you have faith in us, and we have worked hard over the years to build up that trust. We were sorry to see that many gamers felt that our actions didn’t respect the faith that they have put into CD Projekt RED. “Our fans always have been and remain our greatest concern, and we pride ourselves on the fact that you all know that we listen to you and take your opinions to heart. While we are confident that no one who legally owns one of our games has been required to compensate us for copyright infringement, we value our fans, our supporters, and our community too highly to take the chance that we might ever falsely accuse even one individual. “So we’ve decided that we will immediately cease identifying and contacting pirates,” Iwinski writes. The full statement can be found here and is important on a number of fronts, all previously outlined in great detail. But perhaps the most refreshing thing is the tone of the announcement. Look, let’s be under no illusions, the decision to abandon this ill-fated scheme is a commercial one, but CD Projekt did not tow the typically corporate line with a carefully sanitized release saying that their scheme had simply run its course, they actually listened to and then addressed the concerns of their fans. For those already targeted by the scheme it’s too late, but the company can now move forward doing what they do best – making great games without needless distractions. Oh, and for the other games companies doing the same in Germany but currently flying under the radar – we know who you are and we’re coming for you next, so you might want to get your retaliation in first, it’s easier in the long run. Source: Witcher 2 Devs Abandon Games Piracy Shakedown
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  7. Have you accounted for draw yet? A decent PSU is going to set you back about £120 if needed.
  8. You specs are missing one important piece of information; your PSU. There's 150W+ difference in draw between your current card and the 560.
  9. Not streaming to PBBans so nothing we can do I'm afraid.
  10. Runs fine
  11. See you there.
  12. Take note DICE / EA, _this_ is how paying customers should be treated.
  13. It's simply DICE / EA realising they missing an opportunity to milk more cash out of BC2 by assigning RSP status in lieu of services. Now they want both. Greed which they they will try to justify with some BS excuse about hidden running costs.
  14. Ease of integration and $$$ VAC has a nice simple API for devs to utilize (see examples below) and rolls in nicely with the rest of the steam features (friends lists etc). Also as fozzer pointed out ... it's free. I have not seen PB's export functions other than small parts of pseudo code (*cough* PBSS *cough*) but I'm guessing it has far more complexities. Ref: steam_gameserver.h: https://pastee.org/ynn7k isteamgameserver.h: https://pastee.org/bp7rd isteamuser.h: https://pastee.org/y257u
  15. All the babble I hear from EA/DICE over this game and all I can think is "how much is this gonna cost me".
  16. Received this off out GSP just over a week ago so could well be what they are referencing.
  17. I've been adamant that I will not be buying MW3, but this may just be a turning point. +1 for needed PB support.
  18. It has an rcon but I'm not sure as to its' limits in BC2 I'm afraid. CoD4 RCon BC2 RCon
  19. There is/was one that supported a lot of games called Gameserver Monitor, I posted some screenshots of it on my clans site last year : http://www.deadhooker.co.uk/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=245
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nvfQw8UCDE
  21. Ah but you're forgetting DICE's favourite term when it comes to weaponology .... "balance". No doubt on release there will be 3 months of weapon breaking tweaking
  22. Considering the sums involved in PunkBuster integration this is how it should always be. Yes, 'weeks' and on-site may be prohibitive, but if EB wants to keep landing AC contracts it needs to "step up the the mark" every time and make sure this is the rule rather than the exception to it.
  23. Activision going back on their word? Shock horror ... oh, wait.
  24. Those are Zimbabwe dollars.
  25. This is why it was a recon class, not a sniper class.
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