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Everything posted by Chaos1907

  1. Mozilla is considered non-profit and they make Firefox updates reasonable telling what bugs are fixed. That's why I use it.
  2. Chaos1907

    BF3 Media

    17 minutes of awesomeness! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg8Bh5iI2WY Now who wants this? :D
  3. If you haven't seen that football match hours ago, you missed out! Zlatan scored all four goals for Sweden! Yahoo --> http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/zlatan-ibrahimovic-scores-ridiculous-overhead-kick-empty-net-213145210--sow.html Game Highlights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8SpdBWEj6w Zlatan's last goal of the match from more angles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH2-YhKhJRM
  4. Chaos1907


    Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xFGltumTLc
  5. With that said, lets send the CEO a letter or create a petition to make Origin more secure.
  6. Halo 4 just made the movie industry look like shit! LOL!
  7. LOL! I doubt that will be followed much because on the CoD4 box, "Game experience may change during online play!" AMERICANS!!!!!
  8. Pics or it didn't happen! :P
  9. I know John from playing Halo for several years and one of his hobbies is taking photos! He takes really cool ones! It's something worth while to enjoy! There is a ton of photos are awesome, but I'll give you guys a link instead https://www.facebook.com/ImagesByJohnK Enjoy!
  10. The image link is broken or something MaydaX
  11. So that's why I cannot join ANY server since I downloaded for free from Origin! wtf. I didn't know where to update BF1942 since I downloaded it on Origin for free..
  12. It wouldn't do any good imho. The gamers could take pics or record the missions referring to classified info breached from the game then be stored on a computer or on any video sharing website.
  13. Stahp...
  14. You wanted to know what PB HACK #130808 is and now you said stuff about you built a new rig for a guy without saying thank you to those who gave you an answer???
  15. I don't know what it is, however no one will tell anyone SPECIFICALLY what each ban id goes after if I'm correct. lol
  16. I play BF3 on my laptop. 1.6 GHz Quad Core i7, Mobile 5870, 6 GB of RAM, 1600x900 res + 1920x1080, plenty of HDD space. My secondary monitor is my 32 inch 720p tv. I have no need for live streaming in BF3.
  17. And Washington...
  18. What's the point of using this live streaming if I got my xfire to work in BF3?
  19. Since we did it for the 21st Amendment to repeal the 18th Amendment, we can do it for the 12th Amendment.
  20. NOT a hurricane, but still. :/
  21. Obama got reelected as POTUS last night. Florida is still have not to be determined who won the state. Is anyone thinking about leaving the Sates if this national debt gets worse cause I am.
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