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Everything posted by Chaos1907

  1. Probably they banned him because they "thought" he will take more advantage of winning due to the fact a PBBan is linked to Aceman's current BF2 guid. I had ban people from my server who getting insane frags in CoD4 that are abnormal, especially during a scrim. I check the guid's using the MPI during a scrim when I'm listening to my members communicating and notifying them who holds a PBBan or not. Most likely that's what [TdS] did, but take out the scrimming portion. I would suggest that you should take it to there forum or add an admin/leader of [TdS] on xfire to talk about this. Either way, do provide them this thread url address to get a successful appeal.
  2. Run CoD4 + PB on Win7 Administrator. If it doesn't work, install Win7 back on the computer. You can have two OS's on one computer at the same time.
  3. I sense that Microsoft and Sony will not understand what "high end components" means. AMD, nVidia, and Intel will need to serious testing to get these systems configured correctly.
  4. I downloaded the IP.Board app for my iPhone to access this forum and it's a terrible. It's so terrible that many users tried to login on the home screen with the CORRECT credentials which left 2.5 stars on the iTunes App Store. Tapatalk is a mobile version of the Internet getting on forum pages that have the Tapatalk extension installed. My clan's forum has it installed ans it's VERY easy to create account for each board. In addition, I'm also a forum moderator there and I can still edit, lock, delete stuff at ease. I saw something on their site that IPS boards are compatible with said app. If it is, I would encourage you guys to check it out. www.tapatalk.com
  5. Poor Wall-e^
  6. Epic prank is epic! xD
  7. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
  8. It looks like Halo...
  9. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/07/thq-sale-delayed-to-provide-bidders-more-time So CoH 2 will BE delayed.
  10. Chaos1907


    http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=649086 YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Uh oh
  12. Rofl^
  13. Wicked! :D
  14. True, but when I posted this, it's the 31st for the Europeans, Aussies, and many other cultures. :P
  15. ...see you next year!
  16. Here's the million dollar question... What if BL and Origin was never created and how would the "hackers" get everyone's data?
  17. Three PBBans = three different Origin accounts = three different guids. I don't know if you really have family members or not that also plays BF3. However, if you're telling the truth, that would be why. Having one computer with a PBBan or more from as many Origin accounts being logged in one computer will show the external ip linking the three PBBans. All you need to worry about is keeping your computer, if not Origin account safe. Stats does tell very little about the player because of it doesn't have pics or vids of their game play. PBBans staff, take over because I don't know what else to say about this situation. lol
  18. This is dozy because it's mostly in NYC, but one the first/last seen dates for the three linked PBBans and the clean one are close by.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCkYw3cRwLo What will YouTube bring us in 2013? :D
  20. Meanwhile in Florida...
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