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Everything posted by Chaos1907

  1. Notice that Bam isn't there is because he's afraid of snakes.
  2. HOLY CRAP! If it's that cold, you wouldn't have to worry about overheating to frag! xD
  3. Prices are legit and reasonable. Notice BO2 is not in there.
  4. Merry Christmas everyone!
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/thq-files-bankruptcy-clearlake-makes-offer-assets-192800358--sector.html CoH2 "might" be delayed longer...
  6. Because the majority of the demos are for CoD4 :P
  7. Crotan, we do take demos for other games besides CoD4. Just saying. If you want to take PBSS on other servers, you have to ask for the rcon password and we only ban people based on evidence from PBBans streamed servers.
  8. The shooter has Aspergers syndrome. It's a mild form in the Autism spectrum under DSM IV. Most people with Aspergers are really intelligent, but they can get frustrated easily. Hence the argument he had the day before the shooting with some faculty members or something. It's really difficult to understand why such violent behavior with Aspergers from this shooting from what the experts say. I cannot relate to anything about myself being that violent because I have Aspergers as well. I take medication to only keep me focused on the task at hand plus keep myself controlled and I do have a Psychiatrist. I presume he had them, but didn't understand self control when he was this furious. In every article related to the shooter, there is nothing listed for several reasons. 1. Privacy from the public. 2. Americans placing threats to the therapists about this situation. http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-general/20121214/US.Connecticut.School.Shooting/?cid=hero_media Uh oh... apparently Nancy, the mother of the shooter loves guns... http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2012/12/why_did_nancy_lanza_love_guns_i_bet_i_know.html
  9. I spy Santa, presents, and a reindeer!
  10. That's real video quality, but still awesome!^
  11. West Virginian Senator Manchin says it's to rethink gun legislation. Also Manchin said school safety, movies and videogames that glorify violence should also be part of the discussion. --> http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-national/20121217/US.Obama.Gun.Control/ The text in bold isn't good. The White House in DC, (there is another and it's in Gettysburg :P ) said, "curbing gun violence is a complex problem that will require a "comprehensive solution" including addressing gun control measures." --> http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-national/20121217/US.Obama.Gun.Control/
  12. Freedom of speech is covered, but it's at the wrong place and time to do so. Me personally, I would call up military personnel to push the protesters as far back as possible. On the side note, the Morgan Freeman quote on Facebook about this shooting is a hoax. http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.aspx?news=780515
  13. This is the Survivor trailer. I kinda forgot to say the keyword in the title. :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SHwrL6jRLY Lara Croft's voice is done by Camilla Luddington.
  14. Today is Sunday and a NFL games are playing today. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000111261/article/nfl-asks-for-moment-of-silence-for-school-shooting
  15. Battlelog will be down for planned maintenance between 9-10 UTC on December 17. During this time, you will not be able to join a PC server.
  16. Some guy in China stabbed 22 kids as well at a school... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-20724384 what is wrong with our world...
  17. To be honest, this shooting is much worse than the VA Tech shooting... why would one just do this?!?!??!? :/
  18. Do it! LOL!
  19. That picture is almost four years old. LOL!
  20. ...for Christmas! http://tiny.cc/yc07ow The link is safe!
  21. Don't forget XFire^ :P
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