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Everything posted by Chaos1907

  1. I would've done the same thing that Taz did.
  2. Games that support PB aren't always supported at the third party anti-cheat communities.
  3. Ya right. The achievement system is the biggest thing that was done in my opinion opposed to Twitch streaming through the software. Sales... there's not much to choose from...
  4. It's called Google Fiber and it's true. https://fiber.google.com/about/ & https://fiber.google.com/cities/#header=check
  5. I didn't say what exactly. Besides, we could use some beta testers if you know what I mean. With the surprise, it shows an interest of those who possibly want try beta testing the game.
  6. Chaos1907

    lo life

    Just curious, what's the point of this?
  7. Just to let you guys know who are playing the beta, there is a special surprise in a build that was released today!
  8. Already played a few weeks ago^^
  9. Who knows if Google will put restrictions for their games. Besides, we have enough consoles and pc's out currently.
  10. Season three of Battlefield Friends already started!!!!! Here are the first three episodes of season three! (The third episode will be another post). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGXB0HpwEmo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0XbD2hV5qE
  11. I have an extra copy of Rising Storm Beta available if anyone wants it. Let me know..
  12. I'm saying if PB is coming to BF4, this will happen --> http://www.pbbans.com/forums/enforce-mbi-bans-cross-game-t147262.html
  13. Really NSA...
  14. No Google. Just no.
  15. True, but your link has the same key words in the url that I provided. So ha! :P
  16. Taz, I already posted that BEFORE you did. :P http://www.pbbans.com/forums/rip-twinkies-t165859.html/page__view__findpost__p__445219
  17. http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2013/06/23/hostess-twinkies-to-return-to-shelves-july-15/
  18. DAFAQ?
  19. I got my NDA on Friday. :P And taz, sign up on the forums! :D
  20. Well, those requirements don't tell much. A GPU and CPU would've sufficed...
  21. LOL!
  22. Wow. What a bad move for DICE. Now you have to spend extra money for commander mode on your tablet.
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