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Everything posted by Chaos1907

  1. That's what I am also wondering too. BF4 is a bit more demanding after playing the open beta. We won't know for sure how Ghosts will run on our rigs until the game is released. I am going to take a wild guess because of it's engine as always. If you look at the release notes of the engines used in the CoD games, you won't see too much of a difference until IW6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IW_Engine
  2. Really at the minimum reqs... That's pretty much my laptop current specs...
  3. I didn't notice the change until now! It looks so much better than before!
  4. That's great!
  5. Please give us dedicated servers....
  6. I downloaded it yesterday and wow. So much intensity! My laptop has a Mobile 5870 GPU by ATI and Second Gen Intel i7 1.6 GHz quad core CPU. The CPU can be increased to 2.8 GHz. Believe it or not, I am getting roughly the same frame rate as BF3!
  7. The bans are triggered by only the guid if the md5 or pb detects a hack, not the IP.
  8. I'm not getting my flu shot at all because I don't trust the infirmary at Lock Haven University. The Lock Haven Hospital is much worse. If I were to get one, I would get mine at Reading or Chester County Hospital.
  9. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Ask one of the guys at EB for a definite response Trinador!
  11. http://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2013-09/pretty-much-entire-human-race-bought-new-grand-theft-auto?src=SOC&dom=fb
  12. Or during a football game... http://www.maxpreps.com/blogs/maxwire-national-blog/SFL30iCeB0mremKjOuq9vw/bolt-from-the-blue-lightning-strikes-at-high-school-football-game-on-friday-the-13th-%28video%29.htm
  13. Exactly, but I liked friendly atmospheres. ;)
  14. Oh hai dere
  15. Good idea for them because the game is starting to dwindle down. Heck, I still have an extra copy of RS beta for non RO2 owners.
  16. I had Trendo Micro pc cilin 12 free for three years when I first got my desktop almost years ago. It performed great and didn't use a lot of bandwith. I voted for Kaspersky my mom has it on her laptop and which performs great. Even though it requires a yearly subscription, it still is something.
  17. Only Taz replies... :(
  18. The pc requirements are in! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151660017502672&set=a.10150104682062672.279492.308775617671&type=1
  19. Awwwwwwww ya! :D
  20. I'm curious of how everyone is doing because school is coming to a close and school had started. For those who don't have school yet, consider yourselves lucky. Now I must read Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne. Oh and college football IS OFFICIALLY BACK! :party0049:
  21. I enjoyed the beta till some other kid had to screw it up for a lot of us. Hospital is the shit! :D
  22. Chaos1907


  23. That's just dandy...
  24. I still don't get the plaintext offenders. Can someone sum up what this does?
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