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Everything posted by Scarface

  1. What?! you are the one who made the stupid comment about "PB will do a great job keeping peoples away from some lucrative PC game business, if they don't change they're way of preventing fraud!" remove BF2142 and substitute with BF2, I'm sure they are pretty much the same as far as EULA's go. and you can't demand nor expect PB support a NOCD crack/modified game exe. NOCD cracks are not ADD ONS and i know you didn't pay for it because in a matter of 1 min. i was able to find one free. 2) why you are even posting this here is a mystery. Send your rant to EA games/Evenbalance.
  2. so what do you propose, PB supporting fraud? I'm sure you're violating the EULA >Copy paste from BF2142 EULA..
  3. IF EA lives up to its reputation, expect a patch sometime soon.
  4. LoL! 10-20-LIFE! Busted 3 times. that makes him a career crim...err....hacker.
  5. Apples and Oranges; The banlist stands. The second chance comes with a new game/cd key.
  6. sounds like a personal problem :mellow: j/k
  7. Sorry Fozzer, i took out the hack creators name. A quick online search brought up the places we don't want to bring to light to the unknowing.
  8. :blink: no comment
  9. the infamous shop2 respawn lag
  10. No worries m8. IW is definately dragging their heels, but how unusual would that be for game makers?
  11. see me in irc this evening after 5pm EST.
  12. He's been deployed out of the country for a few months ;) I've been doing the best that i can with the limits of rcon and adding md5's and ip's of violations coming up in the banlist.
  13. I'm very tempted to say that's a hack. Those sticks are the posts lining the inside walls of the trench. There's no netting over the arty, no trees and an obvious lack of foliage. If you look in the upper left hand corner, you can see the trench posts of the center trench that goes through the hill top. Even running in DX7 mode with the worst video card and everything turned to low wouldn't render that kind of image.
  14. I'd say he's running with textures removed. that Dust, the textures should be like a golden brown.
  15. no, AA looks a lil differently than that.
  16. that asshat got booted off the VOD server with the same violation. :angry:
  17. yeah, the diff. is in the placing of the file ;) there should be no d3d9.dll in the game dir.
  18. definately a wallhack.
  19. rofl!
  20. yeah me too, might make me feel better after having to deal with their asses the past 6 months.
  21. yeah so does {VOD}, if you hear about it before we do please let me know. thx
  22. well pardon my french but It's About Fucking Time!
  23. How did that turn into what the admins want. :dunno:
  24. my .01 cent; too many PsB references.
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