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Everything posted by Scarface

  1. Guess what folks, Volfin and Lemmy are going to code a new program that will screen your PB screenshots for you!!!!
  2. Yes, Please Do Tell Us From What Server!!!!
  3. i watched it but i'm not even gonna comment since it wasn't in 1st person.
  4. that's commonly refered to as the AA(anti-aliasing) bug. i didn't know it carried over to CoD, but apparently it does. it's not a cheat.
  5. okay, let me spell it out for you. That Is A Direct PunkBuster Violation, Kicked Directly By PunkBuster. Any disputes need to be taken up with www.evenbalance.com He was kicked because PB detected a cheat. He can get back on your server now because the hack was removed and you guys aren't using an updated banlist.
  6. It doesn't take very long. the appeal was posted on Monday the 14th. Some investigation had to be done. So relax. Besides, i don't think you're going to like the outcome. :mellow:
  7. this useless thread has gone on long enough. nobody else has problems with providing ss's in the original format and the logs to back them up. Closed
  8. the links don't work.
  9. p.s. reference this thread http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5437 "VERY IMPORTANT! When recording the demo make sure you are spectating the player in "1st person view" the "USE" key puts you in first person mode when spectating. If you don't already have a USE key binded select one in your game options. As soon as possible open the console and type/pb_plist and get a screenshot of the results to submit with the demo later. Next type /follow # (The ID number shown on scoreboard for that player) and from now on each time he dies you will be able to re-open console and using your "up arrow" key can bring up that last command quickly and keep entering it until he respawns. In the case of an obvious aimbot you only need a short demo showing multiple kills. Once you have plenty stop recording. You can always start recording again for your own amusement but there's no need for 10 min demos when the cheat is obvious in the first 60 seconds."
  10. what you need to do is get with the server admin where you made the demo(hopefully they are signed up here) and have them submit the demo to us. Thanks!
  11. Don't worry, he'll get around to looking into it. He's been real busy with behind the scenes things lately. Not looking good though, you had a bot.exe in your game folder.
  12. yeah, that's been around for awhile. hilarious. :D
  13. does that game require a rcon password for ingame commands like sof?
  14. people aren't banned, guids are banned. if you have a new key you should be okay.
  15. i didn't see anything unusual.
  16. Not that i'm aware of.... You got 1?
  17. Well all you nforce3/A64 users deserve all the lag you get. you bastas!!! :lol: (and yes, im jealous)
  18. not really, i play either COOP with two buddies of mine on a home server or AAS on a multiplayer server with atleast 20+ players. You're welcome to join us in the evenings between like 5:30 or so till around 9 or 10 pm. Do a player search for Scarf8ce.
  19. i play it alot lately. it's a great blend between fps & tactics. lots of vehicles too, APC's , Helicopters, jeeps and boats.
  20. beware: some servers kick for com_maxfps 0
  21. just a little friday humor http://www.pbbans.com/forums/download.php?id=841
  22. well, as you may or may not know, there is a big strife between us and 'the other site". it was/is a legitimate concern. I can't speak for everyone, but i know quit a few of us simply can't stand peel and his arrongance. Just because Dep asked you a simple question doesn't mean you had to go off on a rant. He was just concerned with protecting pbbans interests and hard work done by the Staff.
  23. i thought it was a legitimate question. why are you uncomfortable with streaming logs?
  24. 30 days buddy, pay up or else! bahahahaha :D
  25. he's in SPD
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