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Everything posted by :MB:Volfin

  1. You need to explain how you caught them. If they weren't detected by Punkbuster, or you don't have some kind of screenshot or demo, they really can't be on a banlist.
  2. yes, I don't think we'll be adding these to the mybumleaks just yet...
  3. Hi Bob, As you know, I have my COD server streaming to the repository here. I was curious if bans that come in on the repository automatically get added to the banlist or not. I looked in my sv_viol.log today, and I see on the 13th of August this: [08.13.2004 06:23:58] VIOLATION (CVAR) #9001: metallic stone (slot #3) Cvar wallhack = 1 [3da7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(-) xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:28960] I haven't seen this come up in the banlist. Should people still be manually submitting bans for COD?
  4. LMAO, ya he is scary looking ain't he? :P
  5. Yes, Laggy people are very hard to kill :P A member of my clan was on dialup, and sometimes it was unreal how nobody could ever hit him.
  6. I wouldn't say that is cheating. It only adjusts your connection settings in an attempt to improve the connection between your client and the server. In fact changing to those settings might not help at all. Every person's connection is different, and what works for one may not work for another. You can give it a try, but don't be suprised if you see no difference. :D
  7. well, First of all, A CVAR is a variable, or setting, used by the game. They are used throughout the game to allow certain values to be easily changed. However, some known cheats use cvars too. the CVAR AIM is not valid for the game, but is used by several well-known cheats (aimbots). That being said, a CVAR setting in itself is not absolute proof of a cheat. It could mean they used one previously and the setting was left behind. Also, this CVAR isn't usually checked for unless you tell punkbuster to look for it specifically. It appears the Admin of this server (your server?) has set it up to kick players with this CVAR. I would at very least keep a watch on this player.
  8. We are here to serve, so please don't hold back. Let us know what we can do to help you with COD related issues, with the elimination of cheaters at the forefront! :D
  9. I have a technical question, how are these files streamed? Is it using FTP, UDP, HTTP, what? Is is a persistent connection, or just connects whenever there is data to be sent? Inquiring minds want to know! :P
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