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Everything posted by Johnny|sF

  1. thats an old pbss, I think we should consider badazz to be not trust-worthy. the fact that he cheated, claims to be clean now and still lies.
  2. you dont need to sync with the server in order to record a demo. just set osp to auto-demo and reconnect. and guys... pls stay on topic, you guys are talking like girls in here.
  3. SFA, we discussed this before, dont be ignorant.
  4. then again, we dont ban based on nicknames... nicks are easily faked. guids and connection info and such is what we need.
  5. evidence pls... btw, it wouldnt be the first FA guy been caught.
  6. pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 60 //[Minimum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 600 //[Maximum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSs 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
  7. srry, we do not give out links to cheatsites nor do we give out out the names of the cheats. when you register at pbbans you will get offered all the tools and configuration files needed to stop the old and the newer cheats.
  8. time to set cvarlogging to go into both .var files and the main pb log :) (pb_sv_cvarlogging 3)
  9. wow, we should make a "post of fame" section :)
  10. serverlogs: 1. pbsvlogs 2. sv_viol.log 3. sv_cheat.log 4. osplogs 5. consolelogs only the first 3 logs are streamed, they do not contain info about your rconpassword or such.
  11. the logs the other dude spoke about are osp logs or something of that kind. it logs everything you fill in the server console, every command you enter using rcon. those logs dont get streamed.
  12. I already wondered why he got the rconpassword in his pb logs and I didnt. I told you only the pb logs are streamed.
  13. that is strange, when you do cvarlogging and a player has set "/set rconpassword blabla" you will only see "user cvar rconpassword" and no value. think this is a security issue which pb needs to solve.
  14. him being caught on his own server ;)
  15. all the passwords you set on your server do not appear in the logs which are streamed to the rep server. remember that you are only streaming pb logs and not osp and other gamelogs. streaming your pb logs to pbbans repository server WILL NOT cause any lag.
  16. warmonkey, I thought you shouldnt bring personal problems and issues here to pbbans... its anti-cheat only remember :)
  17. we are all laughing... thats why nobody replies.
  18. indeed... so what legallyillegal was tryng to say was: he likes virri more then the makers of anti-virus and the ones that hunt down virri and rip them apart in pieces to make them detectable.
  19. lol @ VladX... wtf
  20. blazed, there is no way to make a good game with no cheats at all in them. those kind of games or fun in the begin but die very soon. thats because nobody can make new things for it... no mods, no skins... nothing. as soon as you are able to make mods and skins for a game it will also allow players to cheat. either way... we dont care so much about players cheating... they give us a reason to keep going in a game. advice: go to the servers who are member of anti-cheat site... they are well known by alot of good players and cheaters dont come there easily because they might go undetected by pb but the good players in there who know alot about cheats will notice it and will make a demo.
  21. with every cheat/hack they make there will be a way to detect/stop it... then they find a way to go around it to be undetected again... then again there will be another way to detect/stop them. its a neverending circle...
  22. well ty for the compliment... maybe next time when you make a post state that PB doesnt detect new cheats and that they need to stay up to date, then I will reply with maybe send those cheats or links of sites to evenbalance :)
  23. somebody get this shit off the forum...
  24. can you say in which server it was and/or ask the serveradmin of that server to sign up here and/or post the logs of the kicks?
  25. seems to me he just received a global ban. I might be mistaken so wait for other suggestions. if he indeed received a global ban it means he tried to block/circumvent pb checking system. which equals cheating :)
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