install both win xp pro and win xp 64 bit... you will see that 1 game will run better on normal xp and the other better on 64 bit due to support the 64 bit processing.
I did with bad attentions mock you or whatever you call it.I think its plane stupid to "test" cheats.
becuz of players like you we get guys in here crying and all becuz they got banned for testing cheats.
you are resposible for your own sof2.
thats includes:
* making sure your cdkey doesnt get used by others
* not having files in sof2 folder who arent supposed to be there
I am already doing it with the other site.
dont know if they activated it yet, but I do know that if you guys want to give it a try I will change my settings and put PBBans up as repositblahblah server.
well... they dont understand that with allowdownload you will only get pk3 files from the server and not dll or exe files.
pk3 files are not used for hacking...
sofbot.exe is a know aimbot for sof2.
just google for it and you will find what it is.
if that file is in somebody's folder then the md5tool will find it.
the fact that that file is in your sof2 folder means that you have/used it either in that server or an other server.
and we server admins are not to happy with that.
so thats why players with sofbot.exe get banned.