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OK, I know these topics are starting to get repetitive, but I really have no other options here. I have been trying to figure out what I have been doing wrong, and I can't think of anything now. I've edited the two pb files on my server with what is shown below:




; ------------------------------
; Notes
; ------------------------------
; Revision 1.1
; PBBans.com Universal pbsv.cfg
; Can be used for all PB enabled servers

; ------------------------------
; General Settings
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_MsgPrefix "^5PunkBuster Server"
pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)]
pb_sv_MaxConDls 6 //[Concurrent downloads (default=1)]
pb_sv_MaxSendRate 8 // [speed at which PB Server sends pbcl and pbag updates in KBps (default=8)] 
pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)]
pb_sv_Sleep 60 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)]
pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[Power Points]
pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[Power Points]
pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=5)]
pb_sv_DupNameGrace 0 //[seconds]
pb_sv_ExtChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_GuidRelax 0 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)]
pb_sv_RconReload 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

; ------------------------------
; Other Settings
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_Restrictions 1 //[Kick for Restrictions 0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)]
pb_sv_FileWhitelist "" //[Folder Filename Filename ... Filename]
pb_sv_EmptyName 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_LogFloor 1 //[Low log filename serial #]
pb_sv_MinName 0 //[Min Characters in Player name (default=0)]
pb_sv_MaxName 0 //[Max Characters in Player name (default=0)]
pb_sv_LanMask "" //[iP Address Mask for LAN Players (default=)]
pb_sv_Lan 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_ChangePeriod 300 // For pb_sv_ChangeMax
pb_sv_ChangeMax 5 // [Max name changes allowed in pb_sv_ChangePeriod] ex 5 changes in 300 seconds

; ------------------------------
; Kick Settings
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_KickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=2)]
pb_sv_ScoreKick 0 //[Min score (negative) ]
pb_sv_UpdateGrace 2400 //[seconds to wait before Update Failure kick]
pb_sv_NoGuidGrace 10 //[seconds to wait before No GUID kick]

; ------------------------------
; PBSS Settings
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_AutoSs 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #]
pb_sv_SsCeiling 2000 //[High screenshot filename serial #]
pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]
pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss]
pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots]
pb_sv_SsWidth 400 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots]
pb_sv_SsHeight 204 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots]
pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots]
pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots]
pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots]
pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot]
pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved]
pb_sv_ssLogging 3 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]
pb_sv_ssTimeout 300 //[seconds]

; ------------------------------
; Web Tool Settings
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_HttpPort 0 //[Port #]
pb_sv_HttpAddr "" //[External IP Address]
pb_sv_HttpKey "" //[Password]
pb_sv_HttpRefresh 30 //[seconds]
pb_sv_HttpMaps "" //[Map list (separate by spaces)]
pb_sv_HttpMapsPath "" //[Path where maps are loaded from in WebTool]
pb_sv_HttpColText1 "FFFFFF" //[Text Color #1 in WebTool (default=FFFFFF)]
pb_sv_HttpColText2 "0000FF" //[Text Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)]
pb_sv_HttpColBack1 "000000" //[background Color #1 in WebTool (default=000000)]
pb_sv_HttpColBack2 "808080" //[background Color #2 in WebTool (default=808080)]
pb_sv_HttpColLine1 "FF0000" //[Line Color #1 in WebTool (default=FF0000)]
pb_sv_HttpColLine2 "0000FF" //[Line Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)]
pb_sv_HttpColMsg "FF0000" //[Message Color in WebTool (default=FF0000)]
pb_sv_HttpShowGuid 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

; ------------------------------
; CVAR Settings (Only for supported games)
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_CvarFreq 3 //[# of range checks per minute]
pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither]
pb_sv_CvarWalk 2 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists]
pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarUser (minutes)]
pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 60 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarChanged (minutes)]

; ------------------------------
; Alias Settings (Only for supported games)
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_AliasFn "pbalias.dat" //[Filename (default="pbalias.dat")]
pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]
pb_sv_AliasMax 10 //[Max # of Aliases to track for each PB GUID]
pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)]

; ------------------------------
; PB Tasks (pb_sv_task [start delay (seconds)] [repeat (seconds)] [command])
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver // Keep-Alive for PBBans Hub
pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update // Check for PB updates daily

; ------------------------------
; Badname List (pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text])
; ------------------------------
;pb_sv_badname 10 server // Sample

; ------------------------------
; IP Guard 
; ------------------------------
;pb_sv_ipguard // Sample

; ------------------------------
; Cvar List
; ------------------------------

; ------------------------------
; Protected Tags
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBSTAFF
pb_sv_protecttag 1 PBBans

; ------------------------------
; Load Ban List
; ------------------------------

; ------------------------------
; Load IP Bans
; ------------------------------
;pb_sv_banmask ""  // Sample

; ------------------------------
; PB UCON Settings / Lists
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_usessionlimit 9
pb_sv_ucontimeout 90
pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub"

; ------------------------------
; Exec Configs
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_load pbsvuser.cfg
pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg




// Used to enable PBUCON.


I'm pretty sure my Team Account is active, since its says so. I've added the server to my account, but its been showing as inactive since I've edited the 2 pb files on my server and restarted it, which was yesterday. When I run the command "pb_sv_uconlist" all I get is:


PunkBuster Client: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]


Any help is appreciated at this point cause I'm at my wits end. Thanks in advance.


Boot your server up, type details into the web tool and run it (http://www.pbbans.com/account/webtool.php).


Check over your config's: make sure you update your pbsvuser.cfg with the md5 information and update the PBWebtool HTTP information in pbsv.cfg if you use it (might need to wait until you're added to the SGA user group again, as soon as the server is streaming on your Team Account the process should begin).


Not sure I am following you. I went to the information section of this website, and I updated the 2 files with the files I downloaded. I've restarted PB and then I added the server to my account. Wouldn't running the webtool duplicate what I've already done?


I did the config's job first but for whatever reason our BF BC2 server didn't like it so I ran the tool, then updated the config's as necessary.


Effectively it would just do exactly what you've done (if you haven't missed anything, or got anything wrong). After tweaks is much easier though (you shouldn't need to amend much, if anything, depends on your preferences for certain settings).

Posted (edited)

Yeah, I actually tried the webtool first, because until yesterday, my ISP was not allowing direct editing of the pb config files. After that did not work, I contact my ISP and asked if I could get access to the pb files so that I could edit them directly. They now have allowed me that, and after editing the files with the pb files PBBans provides, its still not streaming. When I run the pb_sv_unconlist command, I don't get anything except:


PunkBuster Client: [Slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]


Server info:



At this point it would be great if a PBBans admin took a look at my acount and see if there is something I don't have setup right on this end.

Edited by DAWGS_Snipe

Unfortunately, right now any pb_uconlist will return empty due to a bug the admin interface.


Make sure you have the right IP and port. Also, make sure that a vars.punkBuster command to the server returns true.

Posted (edited)

I double checked and the IP:Port are correct. When I type "vars.punkBuster" into the rcon via BC2 Guardian, I get:




I don't know if it matters, but my server is hosted by MyInternetServices. Are there any other admins out there that have had success streaming their BFBC2 servers with MyIS?

Edited by DAWGS_Snipe
Posted (edited)

OK I just double checked and I added the "vars.punkBuster true" to the startup file, just to be sure punkbuster is on, and I can now verify that punkbuster is enabled (not that it wasn't enabled before, but this is just to be extra sure). Still no dice.

Edited by DAWGS_Snipe

All none streaming issues are client side.

Over 500 BFBC2 servers are actively streaming via PBBans, no reported problems at the moment.

Make sure there is a blank file pbucon.use in your PB root directory.

If you can not figure out the problem yourself, ask your host to take a look for you.


Well thank you very much. I am delighted that you have over 500 server steaming without issues, and that you have pointed out the obvious that it is client side. How about instead of making statements like these which in no way help me, you just not post. Oh and if you had actually read this thread from the beginning, you would have seen that I already had a pbucon.use file (like my first post).


Well thank you very much. I am delighted that you have over 500 server steaming without issues, and that you have pointed out the obvious that it is client side. How about instead of making statements like these which in no way help me, you just not post. Oh and if you had actually read this thread from the beginning, you would have seen that I already had a pbucon.use file (like my first post).


Thanks for the feedback, I'll not post then, except to say, have your host check for the physical presence of a blank file pbucon.use in the root PB directory.


I have just added another 5 BFBC2 servers to the Hub, 2 of which were myis based, and all were streaming immediately once added.


Well thank you very much. I am delighted that you have over 500 server steaming without issues, and that you have pointed out the obvious that it is client side. How about instead of making statements like these which in no way help me, you just not post. Oh and if you had actually read this thread from the beginning, you would have seen that I already had a pbucon.use file (like my first post).

have you tried?


Using BC2 Guardian


This section is for using the RCON tool called BC2 Guardian. It can be found here




In the Command Text Box send the following commands one at a time while pressing the Send button


pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use



Wait for PB to restart (Approx 10-30 seconds)

pb_sv_USessionLimit 8

pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub

pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver

pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update

pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1



All entered commands will appear in the text box as shown above.


NOTE 1: If you wish to disable "live banning" and other planned enhanced Hub features pb_sv_uconadd 0 pbbhub1 pbbanshub should be used.


NOTE 2: If your server is empty for a long time, it can be shown as non streaming. If this happens make sure you sent the pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver command.


using that i can get mine streaming fine



Ok well it looks like MyIs did something on their end cause as of an hour ago it's finally streaming. Thanks for the help and advice.


Looks like I spoke to soon. My server streamed for like 3 hours, and now its been over 6 hours since its streamed. I didn't touch a thing. So, ya.....


Make sure you are using the right IP and port for your server (on your team account). Enable client logging and join your server and you can retrieve from there: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html


We have seen issues with MyIS servers not binding to the right IP and port and changing each time the server is restarted.


Looks like I spoke to soon. My server streamed for like 3 hours, and now its been over 6 hours since its streamed. I didn't touch a thing. So, ya.....



Your server ip is actually right now and works with streaming. Like I said, in some cases the server ip is not getting binded correctly or PB is not using the right one.

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