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Few updates from Demize99


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Yes, we're working on patches for all platforms. Includes some balance tweaks, as well as fixing issues the community has noticed. #BFBC2


@vGRuSHH No, we will not be releasing mod tools.


@Covel42 Seen it. Already on it. Obviously the Knife is OP.


I hope the plan is to remove the knife auto aim and not nurf it. Shame about no mod tools.

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Apparently EA consider (say) the mod tools are too complex for the layman to use.

Well excuse me for being retarded EA ... guess all that's left to do with my cs doctorate is resign with the signals regiment. Sorry for being so dumb ... please forgive me.

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Apparently EA consider (say) the mod tools are too complex for the layman to use.


Well another reason is in order to have mod tools you need public unranked server files. Kinda hard to run a mod without the server :)


Game is in dire need of more maps. 6 maps gets old very fast. I say six because I only play RUSH as conquest in BC2 is not nearly as fun as BF2.

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lol server-less mods


also on the knife the animation/reset time is horrible


but as it is now - go for the knife! they may shoot you 10 times on your way in and still die to your blade :eek:

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Ya the knife reaction time sucks you stab then take a sip of coffee and then you can restab. I am glad this option was not in my trip to Iraq.

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Ya the knife reaction time sucks you stab then take a sip of coffee and then you can restab. I am glad this option was not in my trip to Iraq.


Maybe but I will take it over the 150' lunge kill offered in the CoD series..... :eek:



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  • 3 weeks later...

this topic has lost its luster


changing things wholesale in what seems to be an attempt to drag focus from major game issues.......



MOH is doomed same crew yes?




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That reminds me.. what ever they did to the knife, CHANGE IT BACK.




lol i thought it was bad before the "fix"


now it is redunkulous :eek:


it may just be the overall lack of hit reg. but i have attempted to knife someone from behind and it not take. as many as 3 times before they turn around

Edited by HSMagnet
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