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Posted (edited)

Hi, Guys. I get this when trying to use the Automated Streaming Setup Tool:



[iNIT] Opening connection ...

[MSG] Connection opened

[MSG] Checking PB version ( pb_sv_ver )



Q3 Remote Console Driver: Server is not responding



I have a feeling it's related to my CoD4 server's not having a punkbuster folder. Correct? If so, what's my next step? Thanks.

Edited by AnUnderdog

OK, I just heard back from my hosting company and was told that PB is not installed in CoD4 by default. I've gotten it installed and updated PB to the latest version. Will attempt again to STREAM. :-) Thanks

Posted (edited)

OK, I just heard back from my hosting company and was told that PB is not installed in CoD4 by default. I've gotten it installed and updated PB to the latest version. Will attempt again to STREAM. :-) Thanks


your team account application will have to be accepted and approved before streaming actually starts


Joining PBBans


Joining PBBans as a Streaming Game Admin can be achieved in 3 easy steps:

  1. Create a forums account. (If you have one goto step 2)
  2. Setup your servers to stream using the PBBans Hub Guide.
  3. Signup for a Team Account.
  4. Verify your account has been setup by visiting the Forums.







see that your account is not new , so maybe you already have a tean account

Edited by HSMagnet

Just for reference:


---------- Account Information ----------

Team: LEAP (@LEAP)

Account ID: 5787

Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1)


---------- Server List ----------

COD4 -


---------- User List ----------

AnUnderdog (129298)


---------- Helpful Links ----------

Account Management

CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use)

PBBans Hub Flags

Master Player Index

Automated Hub Setup

Not Streaming Fix


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