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Is PB not functioning properly in game servers..on BFBC2?


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Seems like lately when I go onto most any random server there are a whole lot of funny things going on.. and well.. a lot of it being the same players getting amazing kills.. etc..:scratchchin: I was wondering if there is a need for a PB update? :blink: Because they are... quite honestly... so obvious as to what they are doing... and I do see players kicked and or banned.. but never seems to be the ones in question.. :huh: so that is why I am asking this question.. and please don't hate me for asking.. but well.. It is just a turnoff to play when you know darn well..that there are hackers/cheaters running amuck.. so.. I do hope it is only an update needed and not that there are a lot of new hacks out there that can elude punk buster.. that would be horrible...:(


I am still new to these forums so if I posted this in the wrong section.. I am sorry.. but I so have been wanting to ask this for over a week now.. ty..

Edited by SugarTM
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There are cheaters in every game. There are some issues with PB and BC2 that are being worked out as we speak. There will always be cheats that will go undetected for a short period of time until someone submits the cheats to EB or EB gets them some other way. Eventually, those cheats will be detected. It takes time. You have to be patient. I am sure EB is trying their best to fix these issues because they do not want to have future games go with VAC.

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Yes.. I know EB/PB Staff is doing a Great job and working hard to keep PB in order and functioning.. .. I was only wondering about if there was presently some issues..is all..:huh: in this post.. but well.. I also realize not all servers on BFBC2 are even running PB.. so that could be maybe a thought.. maybe I was on a server that may have not had PB activated on it.. so that is also something I have to remember.. but for the most part I do know that no matter what... that there is always going to be some silly person creating newer ways to out fox PB and until it is reported as you spoke of to EB then I guess.. it just takes time for PB to take out the trash.. lol.. I so admit this freely.. I love being in game when you see.. So and So.. banned for aimbot or what not.. omg it makes me laugh every time .... ok well thanks for the heads up.. ;) Edited by SugarTM
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Yes.. I know EB/PB Staff is doing a Great job and working hard to keep PB in order and functioning.. .. I was only wondering about if there was presently some issues..is all..:huh: in this post.. but well.. I also realize not all servers on BFBC2 are even running PB.. so that could be maybe a thought.. maybe I was on a server that may have not had PB activated on it.. so that is also something I have to remember.. but for the most part I do know that no matter what... that there is always going to be some silly person creating newer ways to out fox PB and until it is reported as you spoke of to EB then I guess.. it just takes time for PB to take out the trash.. lol.. I so admit this freely.. I love being in game when you see.. So and So.. banned for aimbot or what not.. omg it makes me laugh every time .... ok well thanks for the heads up.. ;)


If you're playing on ranked servers they should as part of the T&C's have PB enabled... if not well... not much will happen. EA are a little slow at enforcing anything :P

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If you're playing on ranked servers they should as part of the T&C's have PB enabled... if not well... not much will happen. EA are a little slow at enforcing anything :P

I think I should check into that as well.. because even though I am ranking up and all...well..does that mean it should have PB installed and running at all times on those servers? and well.. I have to go to the server list again and make sure that I am on an active PB server.. and I have always just wanted to play on those servers as I hate cheaters.. and I do have PB checked on my search servers.. so? I think the only ones I have been on have it or should have it.. ? Just so confusing and btw.. I so luv PB.. as well.. I have gamed for another company that used to run PB and once they stopped.. the cheaters raked havoc on all the stat servers and well... you can imagine after that how long legit players stuck around for.. :unsure: Edited by SugarTM
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