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banned but it was not me.

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Posted (edited)

Ok i found out that there is a ban on my GUID for cod4(http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-17e73a4e-vb200051.html) and i want to appel it (i tried to us the normal appel method but it said that it had already been appeled)because it was not me that is not my user name and if you do a lookup of my ip you will see i live in texas no canada like the person on the ban what happened is i met a friend of mine playing a diff game and after being friends with him for a few months he wanted me to play cod4 with him so he gave me a key(which he said was from him being in a cod4 clan then it disbaned and a some of them quit playing cod4 and gave him there keys.) and i think i know how the ban on here happened he told me that he plays sometimes on a hack only server(that is one reason i don't talk to him much any more, in fact this may of pushed me over the edge) also here is an ip lookup of my ip to prove that i'm not the guy from the ban http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/ thank you very much for reading this and considering unbaning me.

Edited by trainergames
Posted (edited)

bans are issued to GUIDs


not people


not IPs


that GUID has been used in at least 4 different countries


thus it is not "yours" it obviously it "y'all's"


the person that raised the violation already appealed and was denied


you will need to purchase a legit copy of the game and guard the cd-key like it was $50....oh wait!




lol that ip was first seen after the ban


did you get the key after the ban too?

Edited by HSMagnet

Lets not hide the edit you made to your post :P


Ok i found out that there is a ban on my GUID for cod4(http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-17e73a4e-vb200051.html) and i want to appel it (i tried to us the normal appel method but it said that it had already been appeled)because it was not me that is not my user name and if you do a lookup of my ip you will see i live in texas no canada like the person on the ban what happened is i met a friend of mine playing a diff game and after being friends with him for a few months he wanted me to play cod4 with him so he gave me a key(which he said was from him being in a cod4 clan then it disbaned and a some of them quit playing cod4 and gave him there keys.) and i think i know how the ban on here happened he told me that he plays sometimes on a hack only server(that is one reason i don't talk to him much any more, in fact this may of pushed me over the edge) also here is an ip lookup of my ip to prove that i'm not the guy from the ban http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip/ thank you very much for reading this and considering unbaning me.


Punctuation is a wondrous thing when used :)

Don't be a cheapskate, buy your own copy of the game.

As already stated, bans are made on a players pbguid, any other information (IP / Alias / Country of origin) is incremental information only.

There is no way a proven ban is going to be lifted, ever.


So there is no way i can prove that it was not me? also it's not that i'm a cheapskate it's that my friend gave it to me as a gift so i could play with him because he knew i could not afford the game because i have no job and can't find one yet.


Your friend is a cheapskate, then :)


So there is no way i can prove that it was not me?
It was not you, however that doesn't matter at all. It's irrelevant who exactly has access to the key. It's relevant that many people have access to it.





Your friend is a cheapskate, then :)


It was not you, however that doesn't matter at all. It's irrelevant who exactly has access to the key. It's relevant that many people have access to it.





and lets not forget :P

One of those who had access managed to get the pbguid banned.


I will go as far to say that it definitely was not you, but like has been repeatedly stated, we do not lift valid/100% proven bans for nobody.

If you want to carry on playing BF2 on PBBans protected servers, you will need a game cd that is completely unique to you.

This will in turn generate a pbguid that is completely unique to you.

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