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I have a bit a of a strange problem with banning users on my Linux FEAR servers. I've asked around on the VUG forum without much luck, and just wondered if anyone here had experienced similar issues.


Basically, I can ban users but the bans aren't being saved into banuserlist.txt, like I would expect - they are just being held in memory. This is a problem when I come to restart the game server. In Windows, it automatically creates that file.


I've checked that it's not a hidden file, or saved elsewhere in the FEAR directory structure, and the account I use has full rights to that directory, so I'm a little stumped. We will hopefully have PB support soon, so it's not a major problem but I'd like to get it working in the meantime, if possible.


Anyone else seen this or got a fix for it?


Yeah, I have that already, thx. I don't like banning by IP, if I can help it, because it can affect ppl sharing a connection.


I'll just wait for PB to arrive. :D

  • 1 month later...

lots of usefull stuff here including a how to ban by ip section



The link no longer works.


We just caught a user walking through walls and aiming thought walls right before I got a chance to restart the server (after I put in the pbsv.cfg file). So, no screen shot prove yet. I was just going to do a local ban by IP but he left before I got a chance to get into the server to do a scmd ban. (The server was full...)


Any easy way to ban someone by IP?

  • 2 weeks later...

Well there is the BanIpList .txt file loacated in the server folders. Do any of you know if you wwould just list your IPs that you want banned like this?





I would recommend you to use PB and its web interface. Its damn easy to ban users there. Only 3 clicks and everything is done.

To enable it open your pbsv.cfg and add there:

PB_SV_HttpPort ANY_FREE_PORT // eg 8001
and restart server




Also jPAT and PAT can reload PB after update through this interface.

Guest IcheBAN

banning by PB guid is much more effective then an IP.


@ NAEADeAdMaN and all FEAR streamers .. make sure your on top of the md5 info .. an update was made today to the MCI .. (we added another stock file ban) :D


seriously though .. new updated stuff re FEAR hacks was released yesterday and relevant md5's added to the PBBans FEAR MCI today .. now thats quality :)

  • 2 weeks later...

@ NAEADeAdMaN and all FEAR streamers .. make sure your on top of the md5 info .. an update was made today to the MCI .. (we added another stock file ban) :D <-- joke,for those that get it

Where is the MCI? How do I update it?


I tried to get the Master Ban Index (MBI) but FEAR is not in the list. http://www.pbbans.com/Master Ban Index (MBI)/bans/generate.php


Where is the MCI? How do I update it?


I tried to get the Master Ban Index (MBI) but FEAR is not in the list. http://www.pbbans.com/Master Ban Index (MBI)/bans/generate.php


http://www.pbbans.com/ .. the top left hand menu contains:






Master Ban Index

Master Player Index 3

Master Config Index

Master Stream Index

PBBans Admin Tool



About Us

Appeal A Ban


Global Banned?

Link to Us

Terms of Service


all information should be np for streaming game admins to view .. please let me know if it is not seen :)


OH! There it is. I see them now. I've already have the jPAT running. Do I still need to copy the MCI data into my pb cfg files into my servers?


if you've configured it properly and set up auto-updates, you don't have to

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