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Posted (edited)



A long time ago when I first started playing COD4, I downloaded the game and used a keygen for a serial key.

After looking back at all this that was wrong of me because someone else who used the same keygen used a hack and got banned at PBBans.


I am currently getting denied at a cod4 league because they think I am a hacker because my alias shows up while using a new and legit GUID.





How can I convince them that I am innocent? It would be great if a staff member could reply, I could then forward the leaders at that league to this post.


best regards,


Edited by Markvis14

According to PBBans Master Player index (MPi), collected from all streamed punkbuster-server log data, the leaked GUID http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b570b929-vb50380.html ,


cod4 b570b929



was used from your current IP, Host: ip51cff8ae.direct-adsl.nl , ISP: KPN/Planet-Technologies; Geo-Loc.: Utrecht/Amsterdam (NL)




=TWF=Mark - Feb 03, 2009

=TWF=Mark - Jan 23, 2009

=TWF=Mark - Oct 16, 2008


source: PBBans MPi GUID-History & PBBans MPi IP-History - No name searches




Now the cheat related violations (2) raised for this GUID, cod4 b570b929 , were seen from IPs:


1. Mar 31, 2009: Violation MultiHack #79495:

Eias Host: bzq-79-183-229-104.red.bezeqint.net , ISP: Bezeq International-Ltd; Geo-Loc.: spamlem (IL)


2. Dec 27, 2007: Violation MD5Tool #9002:

=ST6=TheAvenger Host: cpc1-finc8-0-0-cust217.4-2.cable.virginmedia.com , ISP: Virgin Media; Geo-Loc.: London (UK)


source: PBBans MBi & PBBans MPi; http://www.ip-adress.com



Cut short: i see no match between I. and II.



So did the proficient league admins, don't they: http://www.eurodomination.net/user.php?userID=20478

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Hi Benway , thank you so much for replying.


The league I was talking about is ATI league.



They think I am suspicious as my alias pops up. Apparently they don't know how to read GUID ban's or something. You just provided the proof needed that I am innocent. I have linked this thread on their forum.


Thank you once again.



Edited by Markvis14
Posted (edited)

Another thing that needs clearing up for the people at ATI league is if I would be able to sign up as a streaming admin if I wanted to? Thanks. :)



Edited by Markvis14

Though i don't do steaming requirements support *, i see no objections.


All other streaming requirements left aside (e.g.: no duplicate forum-User-accounts ;P), the answer is: YES.


You used a leaked GUID (Oct 16, 2008 - Feb 03, 2009) cod4 b570b929 that was already banned (2007), and was used to cheat again (Mar 31, 2009) after you quit using it - your legit GUID b86fe45e was logged from Feb 17, 2009 onwards.


So all i can see so far is a typical 'leaked key / keygen' issue, no proven cheating history.

Two out of 124 User IPs that used this leaked key cheated, MPi's Guid- and IP- History functions show you were none of them.




* some quotes from those who do:


Are we talking COD4 GUID? If so, if you tried to play on a streaming server with that now you'd find the GUID is banned: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-b570b929-vb50380.html


As you can see the GUID itself has been used in various countries. When did you acquire this GUID?



My new one is: b86fe45e


I got the old GUID like a few years ago through a key generator, I never should have done that as someone got it banned



The ban was triggered from a UK based IP, you're not in the UK so there shouldn't be an issue there.


Are you planning to stream many servers? If so will you have a number of admins or just yourself?


ID: 169718

Name: TheCr0w

Game Played: Call of Duty 4

Want to Stream to PBBans?: Yes

Are you a Server Admin?: Yes


Registered: Aug 10, 2011 - 06:39 AM


his GUID:



used leaked&banned key:




and another one initiated by yourself:



  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Thank you once again for helping out Benway. I'm sorry about the duplicate accounts. Feel free to remove account "TheCr0w"

Edited by Markvis14

Hi Markvis14 :)

As an accounts staff member (both forum and team accounts) I can confirm a few things for you and any other interested parties.


At some point in time you used a leaked cd key to play COD4, hence why you are linked to the pbguid that is generated by said leaked cd key.

The same leaked cd key was also used by players from several other countries and 2 of those players used it to cheat with.

The 2 players that elected to cheat come from 2 different countries (UK and Israel) you are from the Netherlands.

The issued bans on pbguid 371e1413e2a927e9fcc14aa5b570b929 are nothing to do with you in any shape or form.


The genuine retail game cd you purchased and the relevant associated pbguid is completely clean.

There is no cheating history what so ever that relates directly to you.

There is absolutely no problem with you becoming a streaming game admin at PBBans.


Your previous forum account (TheCr0w) has now been deactivated, that leaves Markvis14 as your active forum account.

Big thanks to Benway for the comprehensive, detailed responses in this thread.

Feel free to use anything I have posted, elsewhere if you need to.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the great response Fozzer and Benway, PBBans. Excellent work :)

Edited by Markvis14

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