Catalyst Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 just want to say hello all.. just recently registered to ask a question Yesterday night i was said to be hacking on BoS server... Then i got kicked without anyproof.... i have typed my guid into the ban list and no matches have been found... Now when i try to join the server it says i have been banned by pb admin... but every server ive been in i have had no problems..... I have never cheated before.. I have more self respect.... Please lend some help B) Thank you, ***-*** }kMa{ Quote
MaydaX Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 If your not on a ban list here then it's just a local ban Quote
RedKilla Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) MaydaX said: If your not on a ban list here then it's just a local banI suggest you go to their website and ask them. Or talk to BoS Voodoo Edited December 16, 2006 by -=FUCKU=-RedKilla Quote
Catalyst Posted December 16, 2006 Author Posted December 16, 2006 thank you for the help.. but how can they pb ban then if they have no proof btw what is local ban?? :huh: thanks for help :) Quote
fozzer Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 The person who pays for the server can ban who he wants from playing on that server - your left with 2 choices; 1. play in other servers 2. speak to the server owner This ban was a "local" ban which means your banned from that one server :) Quote
.:BoS:.Gringo Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) Quote I have never cheated before.. I have more self respect.... First of all lets be a little bit honest here, we do not ban just for nothing, we are in a process of being more extrict with those that had hacked in the past (BoS Rules), proof here: SOF2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX12fdd335 Player First Seen Date/Time April 23, 2005 at 11:04 am Server =CotW= ( User IP 68.47.XXX.XX Alias sin.die Player Last Seen Date/Time December 15, 2006 at 8:50 pm Server <t@> ( User IP 69.241.XX.XXX Alias ***-** }kMa{ Alias(s) (29) *<FrosTy }kMa{ *<|FrosTy }kMa{ BoBcAt }kMa{ Campermagnet }kMa{ CataLys ***-** }kMa ***-** }kMa{ ***-*** ***-*** }kMa ***-*** }kMa{ ***-***}kMa{ gho$t Happy Villian }kMa{ i*}kMa{ M3rcUrY }kMa{ mer MeRcUrY r }kMa{ MercUrY }kMa MeRcUrY }kMa^ MeRcUrY }kMa{ sin.die sin.soulweasel soulweaselr}kMa{ soulweasel{kMa{ soulweasel}kMa soulweasel}kMa^ soulweasel}kMa{ UnnamedPlayer {Rangers}{Pfc}Soulweasel IP Address(s) (4) 68.47.XXX.XXX (United States) 68.47.XXX.XX (United States) 68.47.XXX.XXX (United States) 69.241.XX.XXX (United States) Linked Caught GUID(s) (2) *SOF2 6e5585820400c07dbc9f898836c1f784 (68.47.XXX.XXX) (PBBans) *SOF2 ee90da8d8c7d1939ad95a9d96a3c0e99 (68.47.XXX.XXX) (PBBans) Violation(s) and PunkBuster Errors (6) Type - Info Alias (User IP) (Date) ServerName (ServerIP)IGNORING QUERIES (#9013) - Ignoring MD5Tool Queries *<|FrosTy }kMa{ (69.241.XX.XXX) (12.03.2006) NiNjA:: ( BADNAME (#111) - Bad (Disallowed) Name UnnamedPlayer (69.241.XX.XXX) (10.18.2006) }kMa{_Scrim ( IGNORING QUERIES (#9013) - Ignoring MD5Tool Queries MeRcUrY }kMa^ (69.241.XX.XXX) (10.05.2006) }kMa{_Scrim ( IGNORING QUERIES (#9005) - Losing Key Packets MeRcUrY }kMa{ (69.241.XX.XXX) (09.22.2006) |KS| ( CVAR (#9001) - Cvar rate = 100000 MeRcUrY }kMa{ (68.47.XXX.XX) (07.24.2006) ]FeS[ ( IGNORING QUERIES (#9013) - Ignoring MD5Tool Queries MeRcUrY }kMa{ (68.47.XXX.XX) (07.18.2006) }kMa{_Scrim ( as u can see theres 2 bans GUIDs linked the one that ure using now which is clean, ure IP havent chaged that much, so its an static IP that is in all the caught and none caught GUIDs so the decision was taken but we will provide more information as we go thru this, and btw this has nothing to do with pbbans, plz u can go to our website and discuss it over there( ). Edited December 16, 2006 by BoS Gringo Quote
.:BoS:.SkyTrooper Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) fozzer said: The person who pays for the server can ban who he wants from playing on that server - your left with 2 choices; 1. play in other servers 2. speak to the server owner This ban was a "local" ban which means your banned from that one server :) Just like he said it is a ban from our server I was on there just for a few heard some of this issue I do know that VooDoo requested that you stayed baned from server as well as forums. I am sorry that this has happened I dont know the whole story I do know that your guid is linked to punksbusted and pbbans master band list. Sorry some times your past catches up with you. If any adimins want this info please message me and ill give it to you. We all must keep in mind when we share our key we share the results there character this is why we dont share keys not even with our kids ! "when you cheat in a game you will try to cheat in life and in the end you will cheat yourself" We dont want this in our game server most of us earn our way Have a good holiday I will talk with voodoo on this and see what can be done but you must keep in mind your guid was link to bad things not only here but with punksbusted and we try to keep it a cheat free world over there for us, I dont know you or your character I myself have never had a problem with you when you have been on there as well as I dont have a problem in giving a chance we will see what happens I am easy to get in touch with through msn Edited December 16, 2006 by BoS SkyTrooper Quote
.:BoS:.Gringo Posted December 16, 2006 Posted December 16, 2006 (edited) For more information this is the 2 caught GUIDs in PBBans and 1 in PsB that are linked with to u: This is one: (PBBans) This is the 2nd one: (PBBans) And this one is from PsB, Leaked GUID : (PsB) (PsB) Information :;query=Search Edited December 16, 2006 by BoS Gringo Quote
Cryptkilla Posted December 17, 2006 Posted December 17, 2006 We Only Ban those that are guilty of hacking if you are on the pbbans list or punkbusted list then its no one fault but yours. This is not a personal thing its a fact thing so im sorry if you felt that you are being treated unfairly but it is our job to keep Our server clean, We pay for our server its our Right. Quote
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