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Having a sound file gets you banned? Even if its related to a hackfile, If there is nothing left of the hackfile and only a sound file is left why on earth does it get you banned? Its just a .wav file wich gives a klick.


im not the one who is banned. Im standing up for one of the best admins around. You guys should update the system.




BunkerGaming High Admin

BunkerGaming Website


MD5 Finger print matches with the hack one.

This theory is backed up by his ban appeal stating other file from this hack.

Plus he tried to fool us by sending a different file.

Posted (edited)

MD5 Finger print matches with the hack one.

This theory is backed up by his ban appeal stating other file from this hack.

Yes i know that. but the rest is gone you guys also know that cause nothing else is found. So yes the finger print matches so what? its only a sound file.


Supahero is not him..

Edited by BunkerJos

a hack leaves traces.. just dont use them... if traces of a hack get detected.. we know enough..


From hack file. He must have installed cheat. Zero Tolerance here.


If you want to discuss it, feel free to join ours irc channel.


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