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Clan Tag: †GAF†

Clan Name: Global Assassination Force

Clan Website: GlobalAssassinationForce.fpsgameservers.com

Game Server IP Address and Port:

Admin: †GAF†shuggy

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I'm sorry about this Benway


But i am going to need the name chnaged back as we are going to keep the DH name now.


As i said, i am really sorry about this.

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Tag: †�•H†


Site: www.disposableheroesclan.com


Game: F.E.A.R






Admin: †�•H†shuggy

np, guess i'm not long enough around here to react any different but *biggrin* tho have to admit i considered to leave this few days till you made up your mind LoL :P


To be serious again: Not sure all TA-system/hub/msi/mbi/mpi will display gibberish as †Đ•H† properly, anyway check now http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php



Team: DISPOSABLE HEROES CLAN (AC#666) --- Account Streaming (1 / 1)


User ID: 109025 ---- ForumName: shuggy

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