Helmut Honigdachs Posted August 1, 2007 Posted August 1, 2007 I guess we all are looking through our logs from time to time... a few months ago, I wrote a syntax file for vim to make the log file (etserver.log) much easier to view. Have a look at the screenshots :) To install the syntax file, copy the following code into the file /usr/share/vim/vim70/syntax/etlog.vim: " Vim syntax file " Language : Enemy Territory log file " Maintainer : Helmut Honigdachs " Last change: 01.08.2007 if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " say syn match etSay '^..:..\... say: .\+$' contains=ALL syn match etSayTeam '^..:..\... sayteam: .\+$' contains=ALL syn match etSayFireteam '^..:..\... saybuddy: .\+$' contains=ALL syn match etPrivMsg '^..:..\... etpro privmsg: .\+$' contains=ALL hi def etSay ctermfg=lightgreen hi def etSayTeam ctermfg=lightcyan hi def etSayFireteam ctermfg=yellow hi def etPrivMsg ctermfg=red " damage modifiers / ifsk syn match etDamModifier 'MOD_[A-Z0-9_]\+' syn match etSuicide 'MOD_SUICIDE' syn match etSuicide '[iI][nN]\?[fF][sS][kK]' hi def etDamModifier ctermfg=darkred hi def etSuicide ctermbg=darkred ctermfg=white " connect/disconnect syn match etConnect '^..:..\... ClientConnect: .\+$' syn match etDisconnect '^..:..\... ClientDisconnect: .\+$' hi def etConnect ctermbg=green ctermfg=black hi def etDisconnect ctermbg=red ctermfg=white " uninteresting things syn match etU '^..:..\... Userinfo: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... ClientUserinfoChanged: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... ClientBegin: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... WeaponStats: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... InitGame: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... Item: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... Health: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... Health_Pack: .\+$' syn match etU '^..:..\... Medic_Revive: .\+$' hi def etU ctermfg=darkgray " etadmin commands syn match etETAdmin / ![a-zA-Z9]\+/ hi def etETAdmin ctermbg=magenta ctermfg=white " vim: ts=4 As you can see in the screenshot, my name "Helmut Honigdachs" is highlighted in blue. This is because I've also put our Clan name and some fakenicks we use into the syntax file: " HH syn case ignore syn match etHH ' H[a-z]\+ \+H[a-z]\+' syn match etHH ':\*)))' syn match etHH ':-)' syn match etHH '\$chl3|m0' syn keyword etHH martinvw ai endgegner paul regenbogen gogeta sumsum dercheffe .st0rm schnickschnack minensucher bodyshotbot aow hi def etHH ctermfg=blue You can modify this code for your own clan name (the regular expression below the "syn case ignore") and also add fakenicks with own "syn match" statements when they contain special characters, or else just group them behind a "syn keyword" statement. After you have created the etlog.vim file, you need to add the following code to your /usr/share/vim/vimrc file: fun IsETLog() if match(getline(1,2), '^[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9] .*$') >= 0 set filetype=etlog %s/\^.//g set nowrite set nomodified endif endfun autocmd BufWinEnter * call IsETLog()This will examine every file you open in vim and detect the ET log format. When it decides the file has to be an ET log, it will load the syntax file and also remove all color codes, because this simplifies reading the log. -Martin Quote
RoadWarrior Posted August 1, 2007 Posted August 1, 2007 Nice little app for *nix users. I'll unfortunately suffer along with the color codes because I run windows. I need it for to many other things to make *nix a viable solution for me. Still, nice work! Quote
Helmut Honigdachs Posted August 2, 2007 Author Posted August 2, 2007 Well, you could use the Windows version of gvim: http://www.vim.org/download.php#pc ;) Paths should then be relative to C:\Program Files\vim\gvim or something like that. As you are most probably not familiar to (g)vim and unix editors in general, you won't be able to really use gvim as an editor (it's incredible hard to use if you've never used it before), but you can still use it to load the ET log and scroll around. Quote
foxdie Posted August 2, 2007 Posted August 2, 2007 Well, you could use the Windows version of gvim: http://www.vim.org/download.php#pc ;) Paths should then be relative to C:\Program Files\vim\gvim or something like that. As you are most probably not familiar to (g)vim and unix editors in general, you won't be able to really use gvim as an editor (it's incredible hard to use if you've never used it before), but you can still use it to load the ET log and scroll around. Awesome work helmut! Quote
RoadWarrior Posted August 2, 2007 Posted August 2, 2007 Yes, very nice work, and thanks for the Windows link! :) Quote
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