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A clan now ex-clan member was caught yesterday by PB and added to PBBans for VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #70479... He swears up and down he was not cheating....(This is of course what they all say...lol) But I was just wanted some clarification if what he says is even possible...



This is the post he made in our forums:


Now for the "ban". PBBans.com is not an official punkbuster site. I was never banned by PunkBuster. HoF server "reported" that I was banned but that's about the extent of it. My reputation has not been tarnished since I don't hack and never have. I have already contacted PBBans.com and Evenbalance to have the listing on PBBans removed (by verifying with EvenBalance that I was never banned by Punkbuster). Also I have suggested that HoF servers be removed from streaming to PBBans since this is an abuse of a system that is supposed to catch people who are actually hacking.


If you look at the facts, it's quite obvious that Boomer's attempt to dupe everyone and slander my name is pathetic. I've played on HoF server for 2-3 months now and not once have I been kicked or banned by PunkBuster for anything. Then Boomer starts to hate me after I call him out about his lack of knowledge about administrating a server. Finally, when I decide to leave HoF to start a QW clan I log on the server and have 0 admin level, then that night (while not on the server) PBBans.com gets a report that I was "supposively" banned by PunkBuster.


This is the link to his ban on this site:




I would just like to hear some thoughts on whether a disgruntled LEADER could fake a VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) #70479 on someone...?


(I have told this kid multiple times that Punkbuster is the one that caught him but as you can see in his post he is fighting it tooth and nail... Also I wanted to point out that if ya look at all his linked GUIDS they are only 8 digits looks as though he is masking them or something.)




Now that was interesting reading.....but no value to his claims that PBBans.com or the servers streaming to us "fake" bans.


love how supposedly is in quotes lol. As far as the 8 digit guids he is using the MPI safe view. To get the full guids just run a query without the safe view option selected.


I do find it annoying that cause he was caught, he assumes that cause a sever is streaming that PBBAN's are the cause of the catch and that it is possible that he would be banned for something on the hub that is not valid.


Yes there can be false positives which PBBAN's has always done their job and removed once Evenbalance has confirmed that is was false, but do you really think that the logs/streaming are not cross checked. You can't just put a cvar or md5 value in a config and assume that will result in a ban if pbbans hasn't put the check in the hub just cause the server is streaming.


Hub streaming is "live" and the logs are received in real time - no way can an admin falsify a ban and get it streamed without a huge red flag popping up.

This llama was detected directly by PunkBuster

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