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I want to enable pbbans for a new server. I have followed the instructions as described in PBBans Hub Streaming Guide Revision 1.41. I used bf2cc to enter the commands (ranked server does not allow ftp access). I then added the new server ip to our account and it now says it is streaming!!!


I also note it says you can check to see it things are set up by entering "pb_sv_uconlist" and checking to see if you get the response. I used bf2cc to enter the commands so I also entered the pb_sv_uconlist and hit the send console command button but nothing happens. Where is the response supposed to be displayed?


A second question: I read a forum post that describes the flags and I cannot find it. Can you give me the link to that post? Accept Hub bans is already checked but I am wondering about Enforce Bans, Allow PAT Reloads and Allow Hub Greetings.

Posted (edited)

We already have an account 1060.


I was adding a new server - we changed from the old one to the new one.




I went to the link you provided and this is the message I get:


Account Application

Error You allready have an account.



I have looked at your forums in more detail and I think the problem is that i can't see some of the forums that I used to see all the time. For example, I have submitted a number of screenshots into a forum that people help you figure out what the hack is. I don't see that forum any more (unless you got rid of it). I did a search and it only came up with the two posts i made today - there should be quite a few dating back at least 4 months. Also is says "normal user" by my name on the left side of the forum and it used to say streaming admin (as I remember it). Something has changed.


Can it be that the old server we had streaming is not streaming any more (we changed to a new one so they disconnected it) and that caused my privileges to change? fozzer said I dont' have a team account which is wrong - it is account 1060 (mentioned that above). Maybe something happened to your database.

Edited by Shaka_Dadeo
Posted (edited)

Ok - my streaming admin is back and I can now see all my old posts and I found the topic about the flags. I think I couldn't see it because my user level had been changed.


Since the old server ( is "gone", should it be removed from our list? How do you do that? It has only an activate button.


I still have the following question:


I also note it says you can check to see it things are set up by entering "pb_sv_uconlist" and checking to see if you get the response. I used bf2cc to enter the commands so I also entered the pb_sv_uconlist and hit the send console command button but nothing happens. Where is the response supposed to be displayed?

Edited by Shaka_Dadeo

Your forum status is automatic based on your server streaming.


After 3 days of non streaming a server is de-activated.

After 30 days of non streaming the server is completely removed from our systems to prevent clutter.

After the 30 day period the team account was removed from our systems, this was changed to de-activate the account rather than completely remove quite some time ago.

btw welcome back :)


I also note it says you can check to see it things are set up by entering "pb_sv_uconlist" and checking to see if you get the response. I used bf2cc to enter the commands so I also entered the pb_sv_uconlist and hit the send console command button but nothing happens. Where is the response supposed to be displayed?

See: http://evenbalance.com/publications/bf2-ad...tm#commsettings

"Most Server Admins remotely control their game servers via the admin facility built into the game. While the PunkBuster Server is also addressed this way, due to limitations of the game engine no PB Server command will display a response."

the server echo should be found here: *server's*/pb/svlogs/*last*.log


Thanks so much for your answers!


I still have questions though.


I have access to pb\svlogs\00000019.log which is the last log available. For example, if I enter the server I see an entry "new connection" etc etc etc so I know this is the "latest" log file.


I entered "pb_sv_uconlist" in bf2cc and hit the "send console command button" and nothing is seen in this file (I looked at the bottom and the last thing there is:


[12.22.2007 05:18:17] Master Query Sent to (MASTER5.EVENBALANCE.COM)

[12.22.2007 05:18:18] Received Master Security Information


I tried some other commands that give responses such as "pb_plist" (I know that gives a response in the BF2 command console and looked up some punkbuster commands and found "pb_sv_badnamelist" which supposedly returns information and none of them caused input into that file either.


Thus at this point my being a complete noob I don't know what else to do. I was hoping that I could get some input back into that file to prove that I had the correct file and that the echo of information was working for something that should be going. I really want to verify that I set up things correctly (thus the pb_sv_uconlist that is suggested).


This is a ranked server so I do not have ftp access and only certain files can be seen by me as set up by our server provider.


I would really appreciate some help as to what I should do next.


Please remember I am a total noob with punkbuster but would consider myself fairly knowledgeable about computers.


Thanks in advance!


I entered "pb_sv_uconlist" in bf2cc and hit the "send console command button" and nothing is seen in this file (I looked at the bottom and the last thing there is:


[12.22.2007 05:18:17] Master Query Sent to (MASTER5.EVENBALANCE.COM)

[12.22.2007 05:18:18] Received Master Security Information

this is what was streamed

[12.22.2007 05:18:56] ->PBSV: Master Query Sent to (BF21.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[12.22.2007 05:18:56] ->PBSV: Received Master Security Information
[12.22.2007 05:33:53] pb_sv_ver
[12.22.2007 05:33:53] ->PBSV: PB UCON "pbbanshub"@ [pb_sv_ver]
[12.22.2007 05:33:53] ->PBSV: PunkBuster Server (v1.610 | A1392 C2.023) Enabled
[ ... ]
[12.22.2007 08:15:28] ->PBSV: [Slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]
[12.22.2007 08:15:28] ->PBSV: 1 1 pbbanshub 
[12.22.2007 08:15:28] ->PBSV: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)
[12.22.2007 08:15:47] ->PBSV: PunkBuster Server (v1.610 | A1392 C2.023) Enabled
[12.22.2007 08:19:00] ->PBSV: Master Query Sent to (MASTER5.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[12.22.2007 08:19:01] ->PBSV: Received Master Security Information
[12.22.2007 08:20:42] ->PBSV: PunkBuster Server (v1.610 | A1392 C2.023) Enabled
[12.22.2007 08:22:44] ->PBSV: PB Scheduled Task List: [slot #] [first] [every] [command]
[12.22.2007 08:22:44] ->PBSV: 1 [0] [7200] pb_sv_ver
[12.22.2007 08:22:44] ->PBSV: End of PB Task List (1 Task)
[12.22.2007 08:24:00] ->PBSV: Slot: Grace Filter
[12.22.2007 08:24:00] ->PBSV: End of Bad Name List (0 BadNames)


I tried some other commands that give responses such as "pb_plist" (I know that gives a response in the BF2 command console and looked up some punkbuster commands and found "pb_sv_badnamelist" which supposedly returns information and none of them caused input into that file either.

pb_Command [ e.g. pb_plist ] is pb-client-sided and isn't loged (to pb server, if, then on clients machine e.g. pb/pbcl.log or game.log etc.)

pb_sv_Command [e.g. pb_sv_plist ] is pb-server-sided and is loged in servers pb logs;

I would check again tomorrow, maybe there is an issue to open a log that is in use by pb server :?


all bf2 pb_sv Commands


I will check back tomorrow as you have suggested because none of what you displayed above is in that file. Is there any other way I can check for these responses?


I did search through the entire log file for "pb_sv" and I found the following:


[12.21.2007 13:04:30] PB UCON "pbbhub"@ [PB_SV_BanGUID ec511574abe8ef067a5a3bd9852e1398 "ViRuS ThisIsSpartaaa" "" "PBBansHub!GAMEHACK"]

[12.21.2007 13:04:30] Ban Added to Ban List


[12.21.2007 13:08:42] PB UCON "pbbhub"@ [PB_SV_BanGUID 85472595c16cd1c516623b96a9f3055a "[AGI] darealdave" "" "PBBansHub!MD5TOOL(loader.exe)"]

[12.21.2007 13:08:42] Ban Added to Ban List


[12.21.2007 15:04:26] PB UCON "pbbhub"@ [PB_SV_BanGUID e57022f66f0d1a6cf6b5473195ec11f1 "=SOD= FaiL|SQUIRREL" "" "PBBansHub!AIMBOT"]

[12.21.2007 15:04:26] Ban Added to Ban List


[12.21.2007 18:44:35] PB UCON "pbbhub"@ [PB_SV_BanGUID 2b6ed7d1f58cbbaa210267700f1e06a0 "[sFV] DeathAngel" "" "PBBansHub!GAMEHACK"]

[12.21.2007 18:44:35] Ban Added to Ban List


[12.21.2007 19:02:18] PB UCON "pbbhub"@ [PB_SV_BanGUID 154eadd5850f7338341b44f267a8c06e "ClocKsGhosT" "" "PBBansHub!AIMBOT"]

[12.21.2007 19:02:18] Ban Added to Ban List


[12.21.2007 22:34:52] PB UCON "pbbhub"@ [PB_SV_BanGUID a845f6dc164beb40cb8458b3f5fd3a65 "Man.In.A.Wheelchair" "???" "VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #89105"]

[12.21.2007 22:34:52] Ban Added to Ban List


None of the above was added to our BF2CC ban list. I also looked at our account "Master Ban Index for Team Few Good Men (12)" and none of the above are in that list.


Where did these guys names go?


Will they appear in our ban list?


I sure am glad you guys have set up pbbans because these guys hopefully will not be on our server again!


these are bans added by pbbans Hub, the last column is "Reason" e.g. "PBBansHub!AIMBOT"

your server runs 'enforce bans' flag, i.e. these banned guids tried to enter your server and Hub send a pb_sv_BanGUID


explanation : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24247


recommended reading stuff : http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=426 ;)


Use the MBi search and http://www.pbbans.com/mpi with GUIDs (a name is ... nothing ;p)


PS: all local bans - i.e. in the server's banlist(s) - issued by pb_sv_Ban or pb_sv_banguid will be found in pb/pbbans.dat

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