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Is ET is a lost cause?

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  blindman said:

One of the benefits of a HOME SERVER is that you get to do a little more than admin an et server, you also get to configure the firewall.

No matter how many times you say "home server" it won't change the fact we don't allow them to stream here.


Dedicated linux box works wonders with iptables for banning IP's.


Some motherboards allow you to change your MAC address at will. I have such, and changing it is no big deal. A lot of over-clocker oriented boards support this feature.


Home servers may allow more "control" to some degree, but at the same time, I've yet to see a home server that can support the bandwidth required to be a proper online gameserver. Home users just don't get the bandwidth required to support many players from various locations, and tend to suffer lag as a result. That's one reason to run with a rented server, to be sure.


FYI, Blindman is an old friend of mine from the ET world, and I've known him to be pretty knowledgeable on how to run servers, amongst other things. I'm not here to crap on him. I'm just stating some facts regarding home servers vs rented, at least with a decent host. Bandwidth is something that costs a premium dollar, and your average home-user can't get it, or can't afford it. It takes a bit more than a home-connection to run a gameserver that people can connect to without to many issues, on a regular basis.




Wasnt referring to cdkeys. So I guess mac addresses change everytime someone connects to a server? You know thats funny, because when I look at my logs, the same people connect with the same mac addresses. Is it spoofable? Yes. But infinitely preferable to a free cdkey

in terms of effectiveness.

One of the benefits of a HOME SERVER is that you get to do a little more than admin an et server, you also get to configure the firewall. Banning outside the confines of the game?What a concept.

You haven't identified what about my previous post you consider nonsense. Freely available cdkeys do indeed serve little purpose, I never asserted anything to the contrary. As for MAC address, again at no point did I suggest it changed each time the client connected to a server. Perhaps I left too much ambiguity in my post, and I can see that this could well be the case seeing as how this thread is in the context of kicking/banning specifically in ET.


I was talking more about the general principle of client identification, and how given the availability of the following information; cdkey (and subsequent guid); IP; MAC address, the cdkey represents the most technically challenging to spoof and the most costly to change in the normal situation where game distributors charge money for the privilege. In the case of ET, the cdkey loses its cost to change and hence becomes a very weak client identifier.


Roadwarrior has vouched for you and so this gives me confidence that you are a nice chap and the pewpewing of my post was just down to a misunderstanding. I hope I helped to clear it up.


Is there any way to get this scripting to work with the newest ET PUB?


ET will for-ever remain a free game, and thus hard-banning someone becomes near impossible.


They can change a few hardware components, gain a new MAC, IP, and cd-key and carry on. For that matter, they can just gain a new cd-key and carry on, depending on how your server is operated, and what your limitations are.


ET is a great game, and I've spent my share of time running servers for it, and playing it. I retired from it this past winter due to interests elsewhere(COD4) and went on with the day. Is it a lost cause? That's up to you, not me. I'd personally rather play newer games, but some still prefer the older ones. ;)

Posted (edited)

We have and are working on a more radical control system of user pbguids.


On Headshots.es web (a ET Spanish league) we have a guid registration form were players must give their actual PBGuids to be able to play on competition servers.


On servers (ETPRO only) we have a LUA script, that reads the web database and verify that the user have validated guids on the system before allowing him to play on server.


With little changes on the LUA code, we are setting up a public server with guid control enabled, challenging players with monthly prices and stats all for free (with some support from sponsors). Something like a ET ranked server ;)


The best feature of this system is that we can ever control who is on server, and be sure he never cheated, as we force checking of the old guids when a player try to put a new one.


All the guids are manually (by now) checked with the PBBans MPI, we think that remaining totaly free for the players, this can be a real solution to the free guid system of ET.


Also we can rely on player guid to give accurate and cheat free (as long as we can) stats, and based on that stats set some monthly prices to the best players, medics, engs, etc...


Actually the competition script have been working fine for a year, we are changing the system to friendly connect to any other web sites databases before release it as public, and then any website can have his own player list.


But we think best metod could be easier. We thinked about a UCON conection like PBBans one. Just a MPI of cheat free players that could be globaly connected to any server just like PBBans hub (or using it!), and have a central and global web to register player guids...(maybe a PBBans option?)


The actual method of PBBans runs fine to new players, but leave a gap to cheaters to have a new guid without any control. maybe players must go first on the web site and using after a ingame command to simplify things.


Of course this must remain optional, like actual server flags.


The idea is:


- Server is streaming to PBBans and flagged as "use pbbans gamerlist"

- Player register himself on PBBans, with a user/password for gaming. And given instructions to set up on game

- In game, player can use a simple command (read by hub), like "/registerpbb user password" to give his GUID to the PBBans gaming list. Players must be able to connect without registering to a server for at least 2 minutes (in example) before kicking. Or being allow only to spec...


The only new setting that must do PBBans hub is automatic rejection of unknown guids, or move them to specs, only to the flagged servers. Don't know if this is possible or not.


If not, we will remain working only on our own LUA system, anyway we need it to our own public server, as we need players registered to give the prices ;)


But could be a nice option for all those public servers that are full of "new guid" cheaters every day.


Don't know if PBBans can assume that kind of traffic load, just think about hundred of users registering his name/password to play on pbbans "trusted gaming" servers. But if possible could be a nice feature also for other games that have guid leaks, like guid generators, stolen guids, etc...


This can be also very useful on scrims, were we want to be sure who are we playing with.




Edited by mangu
  Dehrios said:

Is there any way to get this scripting to work with the newest ET PUB?

'fraid not. There was talk of adding LUA into etpub, but since they stopped development I'd say that's never going to happen.
Posted (edited)

We have our "ranked" server up and working nicely:


You must first register your nick and guids on headshots.es (Spanish only atm, sorry),but easy to follow if you wanna test. Of course, guids must be validated first by an admin :)


I will update news on this "secured guids" server.



Edited by mangu

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