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Posted (edited)

As we know the patches to solve loosing ranks in COD4 while playing and joining modded servers will still let you loose your rank.

This can be solved with making a safecopy of your mpdata file in Path...\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles


However you can do this a bit more pro with making a batch file in notepad, this will let you backup the profile folder with click of a button. Instructions as follows.

NB! Not for Vista users.

And keep in mind I used Goggle to find a set of the right script suited to get this one working, I am not an experienced batch scripter.


Making the batch COD4 Profile backup:

1. Make a folder where you want the safecopy of your profile folders. Lets say in My Documents and name it: COD 4 backup

2. Open notepad (Not wordpad or Word, NOTEPAD) Copy and paste in the code on the code window below. Then copy the string from your safecopy folder and replace the Code #1


Code #1

C:\Documents and Settings\Gamer\Mine dokumenter\COD 4 backup
3. Then go to your Path...\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles and do the same with Code #2


Code #2

C:\Programfiler\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles
4. Then save the notepad file and set the extension to.bat, example: COD 4 Profile Backup.bat

My code:


Code #3

@echo off
:: variables
set drive=C:\Documents and Settings\Gamer\Mine dokumenter\COD 4 backup
set backupcmd=xcopy /E /I /Y /D
echo ### Backing up COD4 "profile" folders...
%backupcmd% "C:\Programfiler\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles" "%drive%\%folder%"
echo Back up COD4 "profile" folders done...

Good luck :)




PS: Made a small program who make this batch file for you: CoD4 Profile Batch Generator


Use on your own risk, but totally free for key-grabbers, worms, spyware etc.

Edited by =BLACKWOLF=

I just take my player folder and upload it to my external hard drive on my network. I would think backing it up off your computer would be the safest method in case of hard drive failure...ftp...memory stick...dvd...something like that, I would think.


And exactly what my post is all about.

  hugin said:

And exactly what my post is all about.

Gotcha, "safe copy" which you should backup to something. I just didn't see externally saved spelled out.

  Tabasco said:

Gotcha, "safe copy" which you should backup to something. I just didn't see externally saved spelled out.

And you're right, edited that part :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I find this utility to be much easier. :P


This program allows you to easily backup your Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer profile. The program's created with Visual basic 2005, so it requires the .Net Framework 2.0.


COD4 Profile Backup




  Ballistic said:

I find this utility to be much easier. :P


This program allows you to easily backup your Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer profile. The program's created with Visual basic 2005, so it requires the .Net Framework 2.0.


COD4 Profile Backup




There are many ways on doing this, mine is one way, and "what you see is what you get". What I mean this way is a safe way doing it regarding key-grabbers, worms etc. unknown .exe files isn't :)

Posted (edited)

I've made a bat file using winrar command-line tool found at rarlab.com (RAR 3.71 for MS DOS <info>) It will back up your players folder & compress it, then save it to your desktop


create a file



paste this in it

"C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players" //backup profile


Then create the .bat file which I named "cod4 backup tool.bat"

@echo off

cd C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Desktop

del players.rar

cd C:\winrar

rar32 a players @backup.lst

move players.rar "C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Desktop"




just rename <user> with your windows account username for the desktop paths..


And this line here "cd C:\winrar" should be replaced with where you install the command line version of winrar.. And of course, place both those files you just made into the winrar folder (.lst & .bat).. then create a shortcut to the .bat file on your desktop


You are done.. run the shortcut you made and you will see a file named players.rar on your desktop





Oh yeah, after you run the bat file, And if you don't want the program to pause when you are done., You just want the dos prompt to close by its self


in the .bat file, replace "pause" with "end"

Edited by .Bacchus.

lol just copy ya profiles folder and drop it on a memory stick !! :rolleyes:

  .Bacchus. said:

I hear ya.. But it's just easier if there is a one button solution :P

And.. What does a batch file do?

Batch files are what they are, batches of commands done by the click of a button.

I don't think you know what you have replied to really...

Posted (edited)

I was replying to FcUK_A in my second post.. And you might notice in my first post to this thread I posted a .Bat file..


So yes, I know what a batch file is and what it does.. Which is why I said it's an one button solution. Meaning it's easier with a batch file than going to the directory, zipping the files than moving them to a USB drive...


I'm guessing you didn't read my first post and thought I was talking to you....

Edited by .Bacchus.
Posted (edited)

In some areas of England, a 'batch' is a Bread Roll. :lol: :) :jerry:

Edited by Gnu_UKC-X
  • 2 months later...
However you can do this a bit more pro with making a batch file in notepad, this will let you backup the profile folder with click of a button. Instructions as follows. NB! Not for Vista users.


Thank you very much hugin. really usefull information and quick to do.

  • 2 weeks later...
  mrgein said:
um you misspelled of course in topic description.


1. Your point is?

2. Mental Midget: Have you ever thought I had to compress those words to get it all in there?

3. Now, go and do you dishes for your mum kiddo.

Posted (edited)
  ROC TaurusBully said:
This thread has Bad Mojo....I'm staying away :)


Of coarse you did .......... ;) :D


Errr ...... so am I

Edited by Gnu_UKC-X
  • 5 months later...

There can be a more simple way because the way you described it sounded awful complicated Simply.... Find you Cod 4 folder find "PROFILES" Then copy that folder onto you desk top and if u ever loose you have a back up and you can also update that somtimes incase u loose challanges and Ranks... hope this helps thanks

  Ryan2808 said:
There can be a more simple way because the way you described it sounded awful complicated Simply.... Find you Cod 4 folder find "PROFILES" Then copy that folder onto you desk top and if u ever loose you have a back up and you can also update that somtimes incase u loose challanges and Ranks... hope this helps thanks

I just cant believe how all those forum wankers - First Post Only find time to get in here, make one post and the first one as well and still missing the point.

Maybe do the fully read ups on what have been said in this old topic thread?

Instead of making Mental Midget, Light Bulb bright moments on how to use right click "Save As" features this is beyond that point m8, this is for the real "skilled" users, who know a little more than finding the "Start" button on your OS.


Time to close this topic for good, as it seems no body actually see the light anymore.

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