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As of right now, I do not have a paypal. The only way I could donate myself would be if I had a physical mailing address to mail a money order. Email me if snail mail's a possibility. I could check to see if our funds are met for the clan, if we could donate as a group.

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the doggpound clan will donate again in a couple of weeks!! thanks for the good stuff!!


Love that PPBans are back in full swing. I run a BF2 server along with the rest of the clan I am in. And if someone is running a bot or hack, they are banned before they enter the server. We see the message displayed ingame as well as in BF2CC. Keep up the great work. You guys are making the gaming world more enjoyable to play in.


My thanks go out to all of you who make this possible. We are constantly trying to support your efforts and greatly appreciate your work. I have been trying to stream my servers for some time but with all the recent punkbuster problems I have disabled punkbuster on my COD2 servers. I am seeing problems also on the COD4 servers I own with PB, it's hard to get much info out out PB as to what the problems are but I'm in hopes it is all resolved soon. I am currently operating 7 servers and look forward to seeing PB Bans back to par , thank God you got things running again . We all appreciate and respect your work.



ExtremeMaximum Administrator & Founder www.extrememaximumclan.com


I will get with my clan and see what we can do to help keep you guys going this is a great reasource for us and would hate to see it go down.

Posted (edited)

As I said on mIRC.. I kinda.. ehhh... well... destroyed our bathroom. So I wont be able to donate money to pbbans. as I promised =/ ( that damned booze:P) couse a new mirror, sink + + cost alot. hehe.

But I hope.. I dont fu*k up this month. We need you!!



btw.. rodeobob is member nr 3.. who is number 2 and 1???



Edit: hehe.. Rotten didnt post this.. it was me, Aveeeyyyy:)

Edited by Rotten

Good to see the best, evergrowing anti-hack community is back online! :D




<S2N> would be proud to contribute, just give us maybe a week to see with all our members and how much they can contribute.


<S2N><Nero>-Server Admin




PayPal donation button is on the main page of the website on the left side :) www.pbbans.com


Rotten..... I am No. 3 on the forums.....No. 1 account no longer exists...it was the test account. The No. 2 account is the other Co-Founder, who is no longer active here at PBBans. I wear the title of Co-Founder because in the beginning the two of us started it up.


Our Clan, D-Day Boyz will be sending a donation before the end of the month. The work PBBans does is so appreciated by us and countless others who strive for fair play that it must continue to be supported.


Thanks for all that you do.


It's good to hear that you will continue with the fight for fair gaming.

I will donate and pass the word along to my gaming community to donate.

I would like to see AlaskaGamerZ as donations....


SAE Has and will continue to proudly support PBBans. Thanks for all the great work you guys are doing here :)


Hey RodeoBob


I just sent you another 10$ from Thomas Johnson

you can post it as =>ESB<=Magnum if ya add it to the sponsors list


sorry hit the pay now button before putting that info in

Posted (edited)

Without you guys, we would have he** on our servers, sent $15.00 to you, will donate each month, add me too, from Night Stalkers Don't Quit =NSDQ=



Clan Founder,


Edited by dad-55
Posted (edited)

in january we sent $50.00(during the dreaded DDOS attacks )we are only a small bunch of friends we can donate again if more (hacks) funds are needed :)

we love the security your service provides and are happy to support PBBANS =VFor=Vader www.vforceclan.co.uk

Edited by vader

Hi guys,


I know you working hard and I appreciate it very much. Of course I like to make my part of obligation to help you guys. But I did ask you so long, couple of times for help me to streaming my server and in future maybe servers. But because I run my server on Private connection your answered was always no. I don't understand the reason you try to tell me, but is it not all of our purpose to have a clean community?


At the moment I stream automatic my server with Auto-MBL and try to stream every week also manually with your master ban list. But this need more work as you know, and our server on this way is not all the time up to date with your MBL.


I like to do my part of obligation toward your great effort and community if you be more open to a Great clan like Assassins Elite to help us streaming our server.


Cheers to all of you mates


Hi RB,


|>UKUF<| Clan here we are always amazed by your efforts at keeping the low life cheaters away from game servers - great work :)

I donated personally when we started streaming a CoD4 server but have just given the clan accountant a nudge to read this and got a donation out of him :) lol

We are soon to re-name the clan as we need a new start for this new game and positive outlook - so I'll keep you posted about what name to list the donation as :)


Thanks for all your hard work..


10$ from [!!!]GrunzQaak Member of [!!!] Hirntot / Braindead ET Clan :)


Have Fun ^^



( sender mail: zyta2002 A@T orangemail.ch )

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