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I would like to get some advice from everyone. I stream to PBBans & PunksBusted with my COD4 server. I have been reading about AON. I am wondering if I should stream to them as well or is this overkill? Since I am new to this, I do not know what the advantage or disadvantage would be to streaming to AON. Is all three checking for the same thing? Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks again,



I would like to get some advice from everyone. I stream to PBBans & PunksBusted with my COD4 server. I have been reading about AON. I am wondering if I should stream to them as well or is this overkill? Since I am new to this, I do not know what the advantage or disadvantage would be to streaming to AON. Is all three checking for the same thing? Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks again,




It's really up to you. I don't think there is streaming "overkill" - as long as you trust the site & it does a decent job (I haven't heard anything bad about AON - I think a number of SGA's here use AON as well, especially on AA), you might as well - it will help the game's community overall.


I am not an expert on AON, so others here can probably help you out better than I can, but my understanding is they are an AC community with their own banlist emphasizing AA & CoD4. The advantage would be access to their lists and improving their lists with your catches. But at the end of the day, it is up to you. 'Tis your server ;).


In my opinion, why not!!


I stream to PBBans, PSB, and AON with no issues. The more coverage the better.


No such thing as streaming overkill imho :)


There are some server admins that for whatever reason will not stream to one place but will to another - a punk plays on their server and that punk is banned by one group but can then continue to play on servers that are covered by a different list. :(


If the server is covered by as many AC groups as possible then the punk is banned on all of those lists and so many more servers are protected - just makes good sense to me.


I look at it as tightening the net for the punks - making it harder and harder for them to find a decent place to try out their downloaded skills and in the process doing the best you can to keep that playing field level for the rest of us.


PBBans started a revolution when they introduced live streaming and offered dual streaming to many other AC groups - AON are one of the groups that took advantage of that offer and have since introduced live streaming of their own - Server admins are the winners here so make the most of it :D




I do not think it is overkill.I stream to AON as i am a mentor over there to help other server admins get there servers streaming to us.I also stream to PsB and now PBBans for the fact i want the best coverage all around.I have AON for COD4 and AA.Like these guys say the more coverage the better.As siskin said tightening the net to keep the punks out.If you have any question I or someone in here can help you to.

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