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Well i was banned for the third time just now. Now i keep getting unbanned and i know i dont have a hack. But i keep getting kicked for cvar scans. For this "->PBSV: [From #3 ef1f(?) ^0ScArreD] artycall = "+attack ;-attack""?


I really dont know what that is.


I'm thinking it might be something in my cfg thats doing it. But I'm using "mAus's" cfg. So could anyone help me out and tell me what that is so i can get rid of it and stop getting kicked. :(


Just got banned again. :(


Is this what I'm being banned for?


set arty1 "+zoom;vstr artyon"

set arty2 "-zoom;vstr artyoff"

set artyon "bind MOUSE1 vstr artyplace"

set artyoff "bind MOUSE1 +attack"

set artyplace "+attack ;-attack"

seta sv_screenshake




Why do you have a server cvar in there?


seta sv_screenshake

Posted (edited)
  egh said:
Just got banned again. :(


Is this what I'm being banned for?


set arty1 "+zoom;vstr artyon"

set arty2 "-zoom;vstr artyoff"

set artyon "bind MOUSE1 vstr artyplace"

set artyoff "bind MOUSE1 +attack"

set artyplace "+attack ;-attack"

seta sv_screenshake




5 lines of code to call in artillery :blink:


Try... bind mouseX "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom" ;)

Edited by McBain{TibeT}
  McBain{TibeT} said:
5 lines of code to call in artillery :blink:


Try... bind mouseX "+zoom; +attack; -attack; -zoom" ;)


AS McBain says, and a much better and simplified script to run arty calls on the fly.

bind x "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"

  ETL - evilzombie said:
Why do you have a server cvar in there?


seta sv_screenshake


My guess it removes the artillery motion shake.

  hugin said:
My guess it removes the artillery motion shake.


Yeah but it's a server command & pointless in a player config ;)

  ETL - evilzombie said:
Yeah but it's a server command & pointless in a player config ;)

Not talking about the pointlessness in this ;)

The pointlessness is downloading configs you have no idea what contains, that is really pointless hehe

  hugin said:
The pointlessness is downloading configs you have no idea what contains, that is really pointless hehe




If I had a penny for every time I've told somebody to stop downloading & running any.cfg I could send enough roses to Maydax to fill his house & my life's ambition would be complete :P

  ETL - evilzombie said:


If I had a penny for every time I've told somebody to stop downloading & running any.cfg I could send enough roses to Maydax to fill his house & my life's ambition would be complete :P

Hehe, I know, but especially the young players are fans of some random pr0 player who run cvars who are bannable, hence this situation :P

  ETL - evilzombie said:


If I had a penny for every time I've told somebody to stop downloading & running any.cfg I could send enough roses to Maydax to fill his house & my life's ambition would be complete :P


Is there something going on here we need know about? :huh: :unsure: :blink:


set arty "+zoom; wait 1; +attack; wait 1; -attack; wait 1; -zoom; wait 1; weaponbank 3;echo ^1#Arty!;"
bind Mouse4 "vstr arty"



I still personally don't find holding B and clicking my left mouse button that hard to be hoenst.


But binds are cool......


Never found hitting R to be hard to reload, yet some need a reload bind as well, along with a switch-weapons bind, since hitting the number keys are hard to reach, along with switching weapons when one is empty...and so on.

  ETL - evilzombie said:


If I had a penny for every time I've told somebody to stop downloading & running any.cfg I could send enough roses to Maydax to fill his house & my life's ambition would be complete :P


Well i know what most of the stuff in there is. I just didn't know u could be banned for an arty script. I'm not stupid enough to just run "any" cfg. I Also had a friend of mine who knows more about cfg's look at it and he didn't see anything wrong with it. So i really had no clue that little cript was something to get banned over.

  egh said:
Well i know what most of the stuff in there is. I just didn't know u could be banned for an arty script. I'm not stupid enough to just run "any" cfg. I Also had a friend of mine who knows more about cfg's look at it and he didn't see anything wrong with it. So i really had no clue that little cript was something to get banned over.



I wasn't necessarily referring to you in that statement rather tons of kids I know who are guilty of doing that.


I would try the one McBain posted. Less cvars to trip anything & serves the same function as the one you have.

  egh said:
I just didn't know u could be banned for an arty script.

It isn't intentional; just a minor downside to the scans which are currently proving incredibly successful in catching cheaters.


Personally, I play all games with no script....other than what can be altered via in-game options.


When I run into a script-kiddie, I have a chuckle, more often than not.


If they're that much better because they can bind a key to fit a smaller hand or can hit it quicker because they can't figure out wasd to well, so be it.

  ETL - evilzombie said:
I wasn't necessarily referring to you in that statement rather tons of kids I know who are guilty of doing that.


I would try the one McBain posted. Less cvars to trip anything & serves the same function as the one you have.


Ah ok. Thought u meant me.. haha.





Yeah i just took the damn thing out completely lol. I already been banned 4 times, and although i get unbanned, I'd rather not go through it again. :P


Hi guys i got the same problem : banned for "+attack ;-attack". I know i got it in my cfg, this a script for satchel for Covops.

I don't really need it so i'm going to erase it, but i hope my wrong ban will be removed !!!

sorry for my bad english, i'm french.

Keep fightin' cheaters but let real clean players play ....

BB and thanks :)

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