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Only 1 server allowed?


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Hi all, on application to get my servers streamed I only had the option for one server? is this all we can stream at one time? I have a BF2 and COD4 server, will it be possible to add another server at some point?

cheers all


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Hi all, on application to get my servers streamed I only had the option for one server? is this all we can stream at one time? I have a BF2 and COD4 server, will it be possible to add another server at some point?

cheers all



PBBans needs just one server (preferably already configured correctly for hub streaming) to set up a team account.

Every server addition/deletion that is made after the account is up and running, is made by the team account holder.

This is about giving as much control as possible to the guys and gals that actually pay for the server(s) they run :)

It should be noted that server additions, when made, join a queue, and the final addition is always done by a PBBans staff member on the admin side of things, so, server additions may take a little while longer than normal to appear as streaming, but once added, and presuming the configuration is correct, streaming is instant on addition.

If there is a problem(no stream) you will receive a forum pm informing you of your team account status.


While I'm on the subject, apologies for the waiting time your having at the moment ... bit of real life drama kicked in ... things will be back to normal for me later tonight and I will be making an effort to clear the backlog completely.

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