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Posted (edited)



We had this player DOG_19_82 threatening us to crash the server, and he did after we band him.


How can he come on our server, he has a big list with bans ??http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=8630859702590e5db6958e9e45f4cd51&game_id=13&showLG=yes&showAT=yes&safeview=no


How can he come on the server wille it streaming ???

Edited by Exe01


We had this player DOG_19_82 threatening us to crash the server, and he did after we band him.


How can he come on our server, he has a big list with bans ??http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=8630859702590e5db6958e9e45f4cd51&game_id=13&showLG=yes&showAT=yes&safeview=no


How can he come on the server wille it streaming ???

he probably just gets a new guid and goes on your server again... I would suggest doing an IP ban on him (As we do not ban IPs here)


PB_SV_BanMask [iP Address / Subnet Mask]

Permanently bans players from joining the server from the specified IP Address / Subnet Mask; for example: issuing PB_SV_BanMask "12.34." will cause PB to deny access to all players trying to join from an IP Address that begins with "12.34."; These bans are written to the pbbans.dat file just like bans issued with the PB_SV_Ban command

Posted (edited)

So if im corect he did buy 12 times a new bf2 game.


He has 11 GUID`s


Ore am i wrong with key+name is GUID number ??


Any chance i can report him with EA ?? would that have any chance ??

Edited by Exe01

go ahead and report but I doubt EA will do much and yeah he probably bought 12 copies of the game (keys that is)


cdkey = a encrypted version made into a guid




Or used a keygen.


There's keygens these days that generate keys you can play online with, no?


I've seen people with 30+ GUID's, your not going to tell me that he bought the game that many times? :o

Posted (edited)
Or used a keygen.


There's keygens these days that generate keys you can play online with, no?


I've seen people with 30+ GUID's, your not going to tell me that he bought the game that many times? :o


The odds of a keygen generating a valid authenticable CDKEY are small.

Many times the cheaters trade or share CDKEYs. They do not necessarily buy a new one. Some are also cheap to buy at small online stores ore auctions.


Player A gets banned only on his favorite server X

Player B gets banned only on his favorite server Y

Player A trades his CDKEY with Player B.


Cheaters already admitted that to us, and you can check this sometimes via MPI where one appears on the other linked GUID, players from totally different places.


To crash the people to desktop using the Name spoof vulnerability the guy doesn't have to fully load the map. He just need an unbanned GUID on that server. The GUID must be on the server's ban list so he's unable to crash people to desktop using the Name spoof vulnerability. Even if it's a globally banned GUID. It must be on the ban list to block the user from joining.

Edited by K-Boom

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