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i bought a new copy sealed in the box of sof2 and when entering most servers im fine but i joined a group and when i entered either of there servers i was kicked with a message


Server Disconnected: Punkbuster permanent ban issued on this server for player .:|BoS|:.Gethigh Knight ...prior Kick/ban


ive checked my pb and its up to date only have xs mod on my game {could this be a reason if this server doesnt use this mod}


Gethigh Knight


All new copies of sof2 have the same cd key and that key s banned.


or do you know how to get my old cd key from my old system because thats a good one ive played with for years and the only reason i got a new one is because i lost my disk with my key on it



  gethigh knight said:
or do you know how to get my old cd key from my old system because thats a good one ive played with for years and the only reason i got a new one is because i lost my disk with my key on it




Open the sof2key file in the base/mp folder with notepad.


Make sure you save that sof2key file also on something like a floppy, flash drive, or just somewhere cause it would be a sad, sad day if you couldn't recover it. Bell had the same issue like 2 years ago but ended up finding it written on a piece of paper somewhere.


hi all i posted about this already and got a good suggestion on how to get at my old cd key which helped alot

but now im sitting on a new copy of sof2 with a cd key that i get kicked for using and dont know what i should do or can do about it


if anyone can tell me how to clear this up id love to hear it because i was hoping to have both my comps loaded with clean copys of this game and good cd keys also how i can find out if my copy is one of the 2006 reissued copys with the same cd key or if some one genarated it and hacked with it and if i prove i bought it new if i can get the key unbanned or not because i got the receate and booklet with the cd key on it as proof


thanks Gethigh knight


p.s sry for new thread

  AcE said:
Kicked for what... What's the exact kick message ?


Server Disconnected: Punkbuster permanent ban issued on this server for player .:|BoS|:.Gethigh Knight ...prior Kick/ban


and ive been playing there for months with my old computer /old cd key and when i entered it for the first time after installing new copy /cd key i was instantly kicked with that message and dont know what to do


Gethigh knight


delete everything sof2 related on your comp..write down the old key ID 1st !!! re-install the new disc , when it comes to " place the key #'s" here spot just put your old key #'s in. I trashed my copy of sof2 long ago and broke many other copies,,,as long as you have the old #'s and place them in when asked you'll be fine.


ive got my old cd key on my comp now

but what i really want to know is if this new copy on sof2 that i purchested less then 2 weeks ago is now useless to me other then for single player action because i was hoping to be able to have both my comps running sof2 at the same time both with clean sof2 copies and clean cd keys





As the GUID is banned on the new key then yes, It's useless, blame Activision for that.


Your old GUID/Key 3d1842c59d5d74f0de6529141492f704 (first seen - Jul 24, 2006 / last seen - Jan 28, 2009)


is not on the PBBans, Punksbusted or Game-violations banlist nor is it global banned by EvenBalance, so...


Server Disconnected: Punkbuster permanent ban issued on this server for player .:|BoS|:.Gethigh Knight ...prior Kick/ban


Would suggest the Admin of that server has banned you.


once i installed the old key i was able to get into the server that i was banned on with the new cd key and no one banned me in server for any reason have already checked with all of them and they told mer to come here


What's your new GUID ?.. You'll need to put your new key back in to find the following out.


Go into game, drop the console and type /pb_myguid (press enter)

Now type /condump GUID (press enter)


Exit out of the game, In the base/mp folder will be a file GUID.txt, open that and copy paste the contents here or pm me it if you don't wan't it public.

  • 1 month later...

Years after the event the stupidity of Activision releasing batches of SOF2 all with the same CD key never fails to amaze me.


If ever there was an encouragement to use a keygen then that is it. In fact it may have been a better solution if Activision had included a keygen in the package. It would have resulted in far less problems.

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