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I want to setup streaming to our new server but when i apply i get the error that the clan tag is in use.

the problem is that streaming to our old servers is done by a member that left the clan and we cant reach him.

The reason that we have a new server is that gamservers.net stop there service so we needed to find a replacement server.


what is the best solution to this problem?


greetings, Johan van der Zee

=EDW= ghostwhiper




Team: East Dutch Warriors (=EDW=)

Account ID: 6953

Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0)




Server List




User List


Flamax (134477)


Flamax is still on your roster as an active member?


It can be solved, to add you to the account and make you master user.

This way you can remove Flamax from the userlist and you can add your server.

Does this sound good to you?


Also there is a member, who is on the banlist MBi.



He's not on your roster, but he is on your forum with the tags.



You guys have to remove him to get streaming again.


Can you ask your clanleader =EDW= necronnelezzz to come in to confirm the above?


Thanks for the quick reply.


I will sort everything out asap and let =EDW= necronnelezzz confirm it.


greetings, Johan van der Zee

=EDW= ghostwhiper



Hey guys ,


I see johan is already doing his best to explain the situation.

I confirm everything ,Flamax has left oure clan and we cant reach him.

So if you can help us that would be great!

Dennis bj wil be removed from the site.

Thanx guys..


Greetzz Necronnelezzz www.edw-clan.nl


Done. Your team account currently looks like this:



Team: East Dutch Warriors (=EDW=)

Account ID: 6953

Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0)




Server List




User List


edwadmin (141354)

ghostwhiper (138928)


Helpful Links:

Account Management

CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use)

PBBans Hub Flags

Master Player Index

Automated Hub Setup

Not Streaming Fix




Please make sure to also read this topic ;)


Thanks for all the help.

I've got everything sorted now and the server streaming is awaiting admin approval

there's only one thing i cant open the link to the topic you mentioned.

It says I'm not a streaming admin.



Greetings, Johan van der Zee

=EDW= ghostwhiper


  ghostwhiper said:
Thanks for all the help.

I've got everything sorted now and the server streaming is awaiting admin approval

there's only one thing i cant open the link to the topic you mentioned.

It says I'm not a streaming admin.



Greetings, Johan van der Zee

=EDW= ghostwhiper


Once the server as been approved by an admin and it's successfully streaming, the upgrade to SGA status is automatic (usually runs every few hours).


All seems to be well now, you should be able to read the thread :)

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