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Everything posted by Tim

  1. damn i'm a noob still.....could someone point me in the direction to find the MSI ? Thanks NM ,,my 2nd braincell just kicked in ,,,found it :P
  2. I cant answer that on an open forum bud, but as you put "since I'm a Founder & Co-Leader of a clan" ,,you should start streaming with PBBANS...you wouldn't believe whats out there to be learned... again, sorry, i'm not in the position to post an answer here.
  3. You purchased a game knowing the former owner cheated with it ??? :blink:
  4. :unsure: .....oops...Sry Bob, stupidity set in for a brief momment...wont happen again :D
  5. this is from DentalX *QC* in the private section : EDITED by Rodeo......Note, try not to copy things from the private section ;) Might give our National secrets away :)
  6. and thats why Bob is in charge of the place :P Nice 1 Bob , I figured shared key, but you had the proof to go with it...damn I love this place :D
  7. sounds like a server ban to me...if its not listed on pbbans yet it could be shortly,,or, an admin at the server you played on did a local ban...try to join a server and see what the reply is
  8. need help...anyone here use Kronos as there main server page to run there server? I'm renting a new server but never used Kronos {or there ftp page}before...any help would be appreciated
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12706 its a bitch of a job Bob, specially when you have family {wife\kids}like myself...take your time, family comes 1st...
  10. Tim

    PB SVSS's

    Thanks, will do.
  11. Tim

    PB SVSS's

    hey guys, thanks for all the replies..much appreciated..I'm going to hook up w\ streaming now that I read up on it, sounds like a better solution then relying on ways of the past. 1 other thing, i I place more ss's up here is that ok ? I'm not here to cause probs just w\ having atleast 70 pb svss's that look somewhat bad i could always use more opinions on the pics at hand. Thanks again for the input. Cyas
  12. Tim

    PB SVSS's

    thanx tech, the 3rd pic had me a bit boggled....i thought the crosshair was always supposed to be in the center of the ss......cya
  13. Hi guys, new here.....I'm the sysop\admin for a SoF2 DM server....I collect all SVSS's on a FTP site, then dl direct to my HD to view...I usually can spot a hacker on the ss but need to know how to go about w\ verifying its a deff. hack of some type.....could someone please help w\ the info. Thanks. btw, 1 other question , recently i'm seeing more and more ss's come up w\ sort of a white glowing weapon\weapons on pics , to me it might just be a weapons skin but its not happening on all the pics just random...these weapons are visible from far away and on a few occasions even can be seen through walls...am I correct on it being a skin or is it some type of modded wallhack? thanks again, Tim http://img94.echo.cx/my.php?image=pb0000018bi.png http://img290.echo.cx/my.php?image=pb0000727so.png http://img290.echo.cx/my.php?image=pb0000020pj.png
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