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Everything posted by Tim

  1. I'm still slightly lost here....If they werent important why were they there and if they were important why were they removed ? I'm pretty sure you know a hell of alot more then i do about these files ,,,, your title does say "RTCW Forum Moderator/MCI " ... Not trying to cause any stir-ups or anything bad just curious to the removal.
  2. Do you use ftp or hlsw ? look for pb folder inside of your game folder...in that it will state any bans. I'm not very familiar w\ the ET setup , I stick mostly w\ SoF2 ,,,I'm guessing they might be simalar... btw,,,if it says "banned by admin" then no, you arent the only one with access...someone else has admin status on your server ..if it said "banned by punkbuster" it would be for a hack or other reasons and it would state the violation. If you can get his guid and pm it here to a pbban manager they can do a indepth check for you on if he is actually banned {pb\pbban} or if it was another players doing.
  3. sounds like an IP ban,,just have him give you his ip and unban that...btw,,change your passwords,,sounds like your not the onlyone w\ access to your files ;) If you use ftp go to server logs and see who did it {time from him would be needed} then go to ban section and look for any other bans you may have not added.
  4. I'm glad my shooting is better then my typing...lol
  5. I use the PBBans gold emblem badge as my avatar on all the forums I deal with...personally I think its good publicity....people ask what the badge means and I tell them it represents the worlds greatest inti-cheat site then I send them the url here so they can see it for themselves...so far many have come back to me amazed at all the daily bans they see and how great of a community we have here :D
  6. wow, thanks Ace :]
  7. I have a few sof2 players getting kicked for 0 minutes for Insufficient O/S Privileges....they all updated pb files,,,any idea why theyre still getting kicked? They all have good keys\guids...no gen'd crap....any help? thanks
  8. Tim


    check server logs for guid\ip and ban + submit here for any usefull info on the player..... oh,,and stream the server :] PB is helpful but outdated,,,streaming catches about 90 percent of the hackers ;)
  9. ok,,I got it to work...all I needed was a new comp :P Was startin to get the shakes w\ no sof2 bloodshed today ...lol Thanks for the help :D
  10. "Dear Guru3D.com visitor .. before you go like "woah Nelly .. Guru3D has been hacked !"." LOL !!! SEE !!! it's happenening everywhere... :P Anyway, ya, I did all that...like I said sp works fine ,,mp from desktop loads all the files, goes to the 1st main page then most items are missing : its not anything like hungapp,,,its actually most everything isnt there ,If I knew how to do an ss of it i'd post it :]
  11. Recently I had a hacker send me a trojan through msn mess. service...It wiped out alot of my hd and basically killed my comp,,,I reformatted the hd last night....now, the game doesnt work anymore....single player w\ the patch works fine,,multi player goes to start-up screen and just has all the outlines,,,no words, no startups..nothing..I tried reinstalling 5 times ...5 hrs later ,,,I give up......If anyone knows any other thing I can try send me some info...btw, a new game won't help eather,,,I tried an un-opened spare game I had,,,still did the same thing when trying to get multi-player to work....oh well,,,for now I'm done w\ sof2. Any advice if someone out there had same issue would be gratefull. thanks
  12. 1, you dont have streaming admin status n,,,that doesnt mean that your not streaming thou,,,just lookin at what I see... 2, who says you cant show the SS's ? Post them !!! Either way, streaming or not , it's still a valuable heads up for other gaming admins and server owners to look out for these players :]
  13. You asked for the "BEST" way correct ? STREAMING !!! :P It catches 90 percent more cheaters then PB or any admin can ;)
  14. Thats true mRx ,,,my post got edited this morn..after doing research on skins AFTER I made the post I realised this morn how incorrect I was.... Deff. banable skin showing on ss...to many damn cheats out there now,,,It's sad to say but I think from now on I'may have to make a new rule on skins on my server,,,none allowed...theres just to many hacks that sometime come w\ them...cya and thank you for the reply :D
  15. gonna get in trouble here..I can feal it..... 1st ,,the top pic is a wallhack,,,pretty obvious.... 2nd: model brights...allows a player to see another player in a dark map like he was in full day light,,,another dl'd hack.... 3rd set : bannable hack skin..... EDITED POST ....
  16. Thank you :D btw,,,, whats nerofix ? :unsure: I'mma noob still :]
  17. A friend of mine did a total reinstall,,still gets this message : "has been kicked via punkbuser for 0 minutes.. restriction : corrupted file /memory [81061] ....can you give me some advice on what he can do or what he might have overlooked ? Thanks
  18. hmmm, it would be 1 thing if it happ. on all servers but you say just pb servers... My prob was the same but on all servers,,reason was Norton + SpySweeper scanned every time I joined in a server, it dragged \skipped and spiked till the scan ran through,,now I disable both before entry and it runs fine...maybe check for updates on sound card? Do you run the game w\ any cd\dvd in the drive? If you use ftp log onto your server w\ pb on then go read server logs, it may explain something in it as pb is loading onto your comp...sry I couldnt be more helpful.
  19. It's a deff wh...the only thing that i'm curious about is the hidden players color,,,its usually bright red,,,yours looks like its been modified {not saying you did it} ....maybe a newer wh release....the burgandy color is new to me....
  20. same here Seis messed up all cfg's and files...it's a waste of time
  21. NO !! A demo is always 100 percent accurate..why ? because you stream :D You turn in the demo here in the ss\demo sub forum,,,from there every top official will give you a deff answer...When they are done voting it will either show YES or NO on banment,,,If YES , it's PBBANS Global banment :D
  22. You hit the nail on the head bud,,,it's a ram issue combined w\ graph card,,,If you play alot in a game then switch to another the comp ram is pretty used up on older systems,,,a reboot frees up all ram again and all is well :D
  23. Your gonna have to globally ban yourself now :P
  24. Heres a warning...DO NOT USE HBD GAMING !!!!!!!! ,,, I just paid the guy 3 months in advance 3 weeks ago,,,,server has been shut down since last week and I'm banned from any HBD GAMING forums....Basically , he took the 120.00 and ran...I am posting this to all forums out there and would appreciate it if people also passed on the word on there forums ,,,It would be MUCH appreciated if they did...Fozzer knows the details on why he ran with the money , I wont post details here...just remember the name and pass it on HBD GAMING = RIP OFF !!!!! **admin edit** this is the one complaint that i'll allow here because of the nature of this blatant rip off. **admin edit2** with hindsight i think it might be wise to allow our forum users to post their experiences of GSP's good and bad so others can benefit from that experience.
  25. Nice reply Fozz , from what you copied it looks like you guys really help alot ,,,here and on IRC ,,good job M8 :P
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