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It's still streaming
Sounds just like the fog-removal hack to me,,, I'd server side ban for it ;)
Dude,,your always AFK at MSN !!! lol , need your help asap but you never reply ,,,some tard deleted my pbsv.cfg file , need your help getting new one :D
Could be,,but, whats the time frame on the ss being takin ? Alot of times a pbss on auto takes 1 per player per minute ,,,what happens is if it goes throu to #8 player who might just be joining or leaving or has game minimized it will show a black pic ,,,,Alot of these pics happen all day long depending on the traffic and depending on what the players doing,,,,If it happens alot to a certain player just study where he is in-game and then view SS's afterwards ,,,If he's playing and ss's are black theres a prob,,if he's afk , joining or leaving then its pretty much a reg bad pic {not on the players part}. Cya N , hope that helped
wow,,thats a 1st ,,,heres my problem I see with that thou,,,,theres no evidence that it is actually yours....It could be an honest player you don't like using the same name and you might want to see him banned .....To obscure for me to want to add...I'm not saying it isn't you but I have seen people do this to others on many many occasions...If it is you and you would like to be banned {lol, again, this is different} just play the game w\ your hacks turned on on a streaming server ,,,we'll be happy to ban you :P If someone could go ahead and ban it, that would be great. Thanks for your time guys. Btw, If you have any friends who hack also please tell them to do the same as you , we'll be happy to ban them from PB games :D You have a good day now , you made mine better w\ your post :lol:
Hence : server side ban :D ,,,it's on the voting table as we speak about other "legal" dl's out there...some have many ways to give an advantage , but , it's legal...it's a server owners call for now....theres so many damn hacks out there we all gotta stay on our toes and just watch for them ;)
I know the dl, it's right up there w\ the other legal "mods" that give any advantage....personally speaking PB\PBBans can't do everything to stop things,,,it in my mind is up to the server owners to take action if they feal it should be banned for .... If your server doesnt allow it, ban for it ,,,just my 2 cents worth ;)
you can post the name they use here but to be honest alias's run rampant and names are stolen daily...w\ out a guid or IP theres not alot anyone can do to help...try the name, maybe it'll turn something up ;)
The 2nd SS shows a partial pot leaf...that alone to me means he's running other peoples mods....TRU \ UPS and others make mods similiar to the one shown and they have no hacks attached...I'd look for more before judging him.. just my 2 cents :) btw, go to any of NobleMans servers ,,,all of the stock maps are completely re-done....{you gotta see it to believe it} >>>it could be just a new look from his view point.
Not only is the guy crouching on air but the dead guy also would have his legs hidden behind the wall thats supposed to be there.... :P It's a hack in my book, but I do go w\ you and the others,,,more ss's are needed in this case for global :D
its a wall hack...the reason why,,,,the guy shown is all black ,,,,the guy dead has color...wallhacks show no true color :]
yes, you need to have HLSW connected to the server in order for it to work....it should show the server name and also say "connected" to it,,after that theres the space you talk aboout for password,,,,it'll be white if your logged on...if you see the server but it keeps showing grey it means you are seeing a server {any server } but it doesnt recognise it as being yours ...try going to mirc and getting help while your online ...someone there can make sure its actually connected and not just showing the name :]
What version of HLSW do you run,,,,in the display on top does it show your server \ name and as connected ? If you have others highlighted in the name erea highlight yours, it will {or should} make the box white. Try to keep only 1 server name\IP\port listed ,,,sometimes it gets confused ... :D
lower case , UPPER CASE...try typing w\out the caps on any letters...btw, take your time ....Streaming setup more then a few minutes but in the long run it's well worth it bud :D
Mirc works great for info also...most of the time someone will be there and more then able to walk you through issue ;)
wow,,,that was a confusing topic... MD , the player Double Dutch, is he the player your in question about ? What I mean is he the player you think is cheating or someone else,,,,if it is him what exactly do you think he might be doing ? wallhack, aimbot ect... From what I see all he has is a modded crosshair but I'm not sure he's the one you ask about...please respond and we'll keep trying to help you any way we can...if you have more ss's then add them here with a discription of what you think he\she might be doing in them. cya bud.
lol, I seen it, again, it wasn't meant for Murderer or for that matter any one else here...I'm getting overwhelmed by the e-mails lately from actual server "owners" quoting my posts here...I guess they don't like the fact that I know they cheat and in time I will personally add them to our ever growing global ban list :P I'm in the middle of trying to locate a new host for several games ,,,thats the good news,,,the bad news is most of the hosts who have reliable\very low ping connections happen to be the same people on my "cheaters to be nailed" list....lol .. Anyway, sorry to ramble on ,,,I love this job ,,,,like my old sig used to say "It's only a matter of time, I will catch you eventualy " :bigsmile3:
This makes no sense...I help you set up streaming to your server,,,I walk you threw jPAT and the commands for HLSW ,,,I see your name on the list here "STILL" as a streamer viewing todays topics BUT I see your avatar has changed... {biting my tongue} ...WHAT were you thinking ?????
My post wasn't intended to point out any flaws...I apologise if people took it the wrong way.....I play SoF2 and soon CoD2 server will be streaming also. When they're both streaming I'll stick w\ the forums of the games in question and keep things to my self.....I gotta admit, I did'nt think posting in topics here would cause any problems but damn was I wrong..I even have gaming server owners e-mailing me and pissed at me for my comments I make here {all forums not just here}....I'l keep to my server issues from now own...seems like thats the only way to not cause probs or get in hot water...later
LOL ....I'm sry, I loved the way Fox started the comment : "Oh you liar. You hacked in AA and bought bf2" Fox actually sounded like a parent dealing with one of there kids :P Nice catch Fox :D
I have some,,,actually many ideas for pbbans , but in all reality they only deal w\ SoF2 cfg's and cvars... I would like to see other changes made ASAP ..the 1st being "politeness" In the past 2 weeks I've seen people on here {no names mentioned} bash others...not your normal flame btw ,,,I mean people come in and ask "why is my fellow clan mate on the list ?" ...the responce : "cause they cheat end of story" ...no offense but thats bs....politeness...it goes a long way ...explain in detail how\why ...don't just give the person the cold shoulder...it leaves a negative impact on a possible future streamer...that brings me to the 2nd thing .. .possible streamers : example : "can you look at these SS's ?" ..answer : "NO" .."you don't stream, you will be ignored" ....what kind of respect is the person getting w\ an answer like that ??? POLITENESS...thats the key I see missing as of late... Admins\Streamers and even STAFF ,,,I think politeness, reguardless of what happened to a player {cheater or non-streamer} politeness needs to be there...no one likes being treated w\ disrespect..It's up to us to show them "we have it" . Sry to rant, it's been bugging me for a while now... "SoF2 cfg's and cvars" are in the works as I speak,,,just doing more research 1st , then I'll post to see if they're liked or disliked ..the other matter at hand is for all to decide on..
Hello Virgola Thank you for inquiring here. To answer your question , no , the hack he recieved was for a "multi-hack" , not a md5 mismatch ....md5's do create errors from time to time but are usually correctable.....a "multihack" is just that : multiple hacks being used at the same time. Sry to give you the bad news but sometimes that happens. It's not a removable ban .
"LOL! so thats why he was put back on the banlist?? " http://www.pbbans.com/mpi3/mpiresults.php ........notice the color of his GUID on top ....blue means clean btw, If the problem on the players side {file\files} weren't fixed would'nt the same outcome happen again ? just curious... sry, the link doesn't seem to be working......I entered the players guid into the mpi3 , it shows hes clean again :D
"So what your telling me is that we should leave a innocent player on a banned list until he apeals it when we know the reason for the bann was false . the #80023 issues is not a unknown problem its been discussed very much and there is enough information to support a false violation ." I'm w\ Fox on the issue , I'll leave w\ this last post ..... Who created "#80023 " ,,,was it here or PB itself ? If it is a known problem who would be the best to speak w\ on removing it from the system ,,here or at PB\EvenBalance ??? I'm w\ you 100 percent on it , if it always gets a false reading then so be it, remove it from the system if thats the case BUT is it always wrong ? Again, I'm asking because I myself don't know,,,i'm not asking to create a war ;)
It helps alot quicker then a non-streamer,,, no ??? "This guy should be removed from the banList the #80023 is often a no.cd.crack issue and is not a cheat . 1. #80023 violations are considered to be non-cheat. " Thats the whole purpose of the "appeal" system ....