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Everything posted by alfdoh
Yep, you are right. This is written in the punkbuster FAQ:
Need Some Help from anyone whos familiar with Jaymod
alfdoh replied to Violat3r's topic in Enemy Territory
First set in your server config: set g_mapconfigs "mapconfigs" Then create a folder mapconfigs within the jaymod folder. In a file called default.cfg set everything you want to be the default setting for every map. In a file called mapname.cfg (mapname has to be replaced by the name of the map) you set everything you want to be set especially for that map. For map specific spam messages for instance just set the respective g_banners, g_banner1 ... , g_bannertime and g_bannerlocation (check the documentation for those cvars). If you want to run a !command .. just write the !command in the cfg file (at least works in etpub and noquarter). But this will be started on warmup and on real map start .. dunno whether thats a problem for you. Hope that helps .. -
Pbbans.com bannt per Punkbuster GUID, nicht per Name oder IP. Gebannt ist der Spieler dann auf jedem Server, der seine Banlisten mit Hilfe von pbbans.com updated. Dieses Update funktioniert automatisch wenn der Server mittels der Hub-Streamingmethode zu pbbans streamt. Allerdings gibt es noch sehr viele Server, die gar nicht streamen oder noch nicht speziell zu pbbans.com streamen. Auf diesen Servern kann der Spieler (oder besser gesagt Cheater) dann trotzdem spielen ...
Hmm .. i don't really know about a negative score for swearing .. but try to set pb_sv_scorekick to 0 (just an idea, doubt it has to do with that). What mod are you using, do you have adminmod installed, too?
Would like to add 2 servers to streaming
alfdoh replied to GhOsTeD's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Please check out this guide: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266 -
Looks good now :) Server Status: Server is streaming via Rep Server Info Clan Tag: [RoH] Server IP: Last Streaming: November 24, 2006 3:00 am PBBans Hub Server Search Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: [RoH] Server IP: Last Streaming: November 24, 2006 3:00 am Log Forwarding: None
Server added, but no data is arriving. Please check this guide: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266
Neeeeeed some major help wiht a Cvar command
alfdoh replied to madskrillz's topic in Enemy Territory
Just to make sure: you have to open the console before you enter those commands with the key right below Esc. The command to enter then is /r_detailTexture 0. The mod configs .. check the folders where ur ET is installed. There u find folders like etmain, jaymod, etpub, etpro, whatever ... in each of them is a folder profiles .. in each profiles folder are folders named after your ingame name .. in each of those name folders is a file called etconfig.cfg .. right-click them and make sure the write-protection flag is not set. -
Neeeeeed some major help wiht a Cvar command
alfdoh replied to madskrillz's topic in Enemy Territory
Umm .. what is the output when u just enter /r_detailTextures? Do you by any chance have write-protected the file [mod]/profiles/your_name/etconfig.cfg with [mod] being the mod you play (e.g. noquarter, etpub, etpro, jaymod, ...). Also, when exactly do you change the cvar and do vid_restart? Make sure you do it, when your are connected to the server or at least after disconnecting from that server (e.g. /disconnect). -
Neeeeeed some major help wiht a Cvar command
alfdoh replied to madskrillz's topic in Enemy Territory
And after changing the cvar do /vid_restart. This enforces the new setting to be used. -
Hmm, ok first some explanation about the etpub/noquarter team damage restriction: g_teamDamageRestriction is the maximum allowed percentage of team hits in relation to all hits (e.g. 5 teammate hits and 20 overall hits = 25% team hits) g_minHits is the minimum amount of hits to begin taking into account the team damage restriction. Example: g_minhits = 10, g_teamdamagerestriction = 50 The player hits 6 times a teammate and then only hits enemies. But when he fired the 10th shot (4 enemy hits), he has 60% team hits and gets kicked, although he stopped shooting teammates. --------------- Another possibility: Do you have etadminmod installed and teamkill restriction enabled? Please check these settings too. Here some explanation:
Also check the g_teamDamageRestriction and g_minHits setting of your server config file (etpub/noquarter settings). They are responsible for configuring when to kick players due to team damage.
Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: eRus Server IP: Last Streaming: November 3, 2006 11:38 pm welcome aboard :)
Add to hub 7 server ip's
alfdoh replied to GuidoTheKillerPimp's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting Bad Gerbil TCEScharfschtzehaus: -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil TC:EonET2.56 -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil TC:EBloodLustBC.48 -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil Sniper Server -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil TC:E BloodLust2 OBJ -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil TC:E BloodLust BC -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil Phrag Server -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil PanzerwarLowGravity -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil Gutz'nGoryOBJ.49 -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil FueldumpXPNeverResets -> added, not correctly configured Bad Gerbil Classic6 -> added, not correctly configured |RR|ISP Frag Scrim|RaT| -> added, not correctly configured And Remove any that still remain: -> deleted -> deleted -> deleted -> deleted -> deleted -> deleted -> deleted -
Ok, both servers seem to be streaming now.
alfdoh replied to -B.O.W.-@nimine's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting is not showing up as new server. Can you please verify IP/Port and check ur settings again? -
Yep :) PBBans Hub Server Search Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: Arena Server IP: Last Streaming: October 27, 2006 11:06 pm Log Forwarding: None You can check for urself here: http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php
Both servers don't send any data, please recheck the settings. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19266
Only solution is not to play there. It's the server owner/admin decision what happens on their server. However, whenever any of the players is caught as a cheater on a server that is streaming to pbbans, the player will be added to our banlist.
Server added and is streaming via Hub. I just gave it the Clantag PPSS and not Private Personal ServerServer (rather weird server name/clan tag :D). PBBans Hub Server Search Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub Server Info Clan Tag: PPSS Server IP: Last Streaming: October 24, 2006 10:03 pm Log Forwarding: ACI Welcome aboard :)
need help......not streaming
alfdoh replied to darkbishop's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Everything described in the docs has to be done on the server. -
alfdoh replied to -B.O.W.-@nimine's topic in Streaming Questions and Troubleshooting
Ok, i added the server although it doesn't show as new server. Please enable your server and connect to it or issue some pb_sv_ - commands (e.g. pb_sv_ver). Let's see what happens .. -
Server added and is streaming via rep ( NOT Hub :P ) Server Status: Server is streaming via Rep Server Info Clan Tag: =AC= Server IP: Last Streaming: October 17, 2006 4:39 pm Welcome aboard :)
Server isn't correctly configured it seems. No data is arriving. Please check ur settings again.