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Everything posted by alfdoh

  1. Don't worry, there are just too many bans to be listed at once. So the shown list gets a bit messed up. But the bans are there and are enforced.
  2. Hmm .. i don't have any problems with pb screenshots. Can you make a screenshot of what you see there?
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18667 Maybe just give him the 'special friend' avatar?
  4. There are many standard cvars responsible for setting loads of stuff in the game. Examples are rate, cl_maxpackets, cl_timenudge, r_picmic, r_mapoverbrightbits, .. and so on. Some of the standard cvars can have an effect that gives the player an advantage (e.g. see better, sometimes even through walls; killing easier; ...). In order to force all players to have a similar configured game (i.e. nobody gets an advantage), those cvars are restricted to have certain values. However, violations regarding disallowed standard cvar settings do NOT lead to a ban. It is a different story with cheat related cvars. Those cvars are used to configure a cheat, i.e. who to aim at, enabling wallhack, ... There is no reason why you should have those cvars in your game config, when you do not or did not cheat. So violations regarding those cvars lead to a ban, as it is enough proof that you at least hacked once.
  5. No. At least it is not proven. This only means, punkbuster can't verify everything is ok. This can be caused by connection problems or a crashed game or similar things ...
  6. Changing standard game cvars to disallowed settings doesn't lead to a ban. You only get kicked. In order to allow normally disallowed cvar settings (so you don't get kicked), you have to check and maybe change the punkbuster configuration of your server.
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php Does this answer your question a bit?
  8. If nothing else helps, maybe a Windows reinstall helps. I know of a player who could solve this issue by doing so.
  9. Hmm .. as i observed it .. it seems its like that: Grey background color with date -> ban was appealed, no decision yet. Blue bg color with date -> ban was appealed and decision was made to remove the ban Red bg color with date -> ban was appealed and decision was made to NOT remove the ban Fozzer, your answer can't be right. In order to appeal a ban, it has to be in the Master Ban Index (MBI) first, or am i wrong now?
  10. There is something not set up correctly, it seems. For the MSI says: Server is not in the MSI Hub List And for Server is not streaming via Hub (So it is on the hub list)
  11. Wrong port Zozz :P This server uses port 27940. Can someone change this please?
  12. Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : Enemy Territory Clan Tag : |>B Co-Admin : ftp/shell access admins? rcon admins? streaming game admins? what do you mean? what do you need that info for? Hope its working :unsure: I guess our other three currently streaming servers will be added soon.
  13. First of all, you better don't touch that kick enabling. Our servers have been completely empty within a few minutes after enabling it. In the case you still want to enable it permanently: The PB master servers send the command to disable kicking to the servers every now and then. To override that, you can create a pb task that enables kicking every 5 minutes or whatever you like. Example: PB_SV_TASK 1 300 pb_sv_enablekicks (executes pb_sv_enablekicks 1 second after task was added and from then on every 300 seconds) To disable kicking again (in case you dont like it anymore :P) you have to wait for the master server to send that command again.
  14. Would like to test that, too. But dont know how much time i have. Just tell me/us what to do then.
  15. Ich kenne nur Enemy Territory, aber da passiert das genauso. Wenn man aus irgendeinem Grund disconnected und dann wieder reconnect klickt, bekommt man den Fehler. Ein Spielneustart hilft da immer. Ansonsten weiss ich nicht, wie man das Problem lösen kann.
  16. Ok i found the avi you wanted to show here (guess it is the one ;) ) http://bunker.underground-server.com/alf/rnade.avi Does anyone know this hack? Is it detected by PB, cvars or md5tools?
  17. It gets disabled automatically by the pb master servers. At least it was still doing it a few hours ago.
  18. Don't worry. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of if you used no cheat. The demo will have to prove you are cheating otherwise you won't get banned.
  19. They temporarily disabled kicking for violations, i guess because they have problems with the new patch :S
  20. Hi Owl, remember me? Was playing a bit on your server when you created your own community last year. I am now server admin of |>B Anyway, i guess there is not much to think about your demo: This guy is definitely having an aimbot! You really should start streaming if you want to get rid of those guys. Then you can send this kind of demos or pb screenshots here and the cheaters will get banned on all ET servers who get their banlists from pbbans. If you have questions or need help in setting up streaming, you can send me a pm. Cheers, alfdoh
  21. ET is humans only usually (most servers only allow the standard Axis/Allies skins). But there are also skin packs, that can make you look like Santa or Homer Simpson or whatever. I bet every addicted ET player would say: of course it is worth installing. Well, and so do I ;) I play nothing else. ET is a team game, you can win a map alone with luck and very good skill, but usually you need the help of your team. There are different classes of soldiers: Medic(medi packs+revive), FieldsOps(ammo packs+artillery support), Soldier (heavy weapons: Panzerfaust, MG, flame thrower, mortar), Engineer (building command posts, bridges, ... is the most important class in ET), and Covert Ops (has satchel to blow up command posts, can take clothes of dead enemies, ...). ET is an experience points(XP) based game. You get XP for fulfilling your special tasks(soldier class dependent) and by killing enemies and surviving battles. There are 4 skill levels (for each skill class), the more XP you earn, the higher your skill level rises. There are hundreds of custom maps out there, though not every server runs custom maps (maybe just visit us on our server ;) IP you can find in my profile). Here is a link to the official ET manual, it doesnt take much time to read, but you can find out the most important facts to get started. There is so much to tell about ET, but you should try it out and see for urself ;) Have fun.
  22. Lol, i guess this explains everything: http://etpub.org/e107_plugins/forum/forum_...topic.php?10558
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