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Everything posted by Baz

  1. :P :lol:
  2. No idea but everytime I read it it cracks me up :rockon:
  3. Good work guys :)
  4. LoooooooooooooooooL :D
  5. Exactly but heh, the player inquestion has also *improved* a lot recently in his game play as the excoboard/MaD forum states, I have seen the sniper bug many times on mp_beach over the years but not as blatent as that ss :) Admins @ pbbans decision will be final eathier way :)
  6. Cool, now its worked again there will be more to follow soon :)
  7. pbbans FTW, you dont get *bricked* by Foxdie any where else quite the same ;)
  8. This email confirms that you have paid [email protected] ([email protected]) $**.** USD using PayPal. Transaction ID: 92703019RB840131L exchange rate for this purchase is 1 GBP = 1.91118USD Guess its going to the correct place then, would be nice if someone could confirm though ....
  9. Donated again last night, I hope my contributions are going to the correct place as I never get a thanks/kiss my butt or cock all :blink: Transaction ID: 92703019RB840131L .. Goodnight/morning to all :)
  10. Suprised if no one has ftp access or didnt know about :unsure:
  11. pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 60 // [Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 // [Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSs 1 // [0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] You will find these settings in your pbsv.cfg but yes, you need ftp access someone must have it surley, probably the person that pays for your server :o :)
  12. Baz


    Happy birthday to U I have a nice polished up house brick ready and waiting :lol: Have a good day m8 B)
  13. And not before time darw1n
  14. Keep up the great work guys :)
  15. Topic Title: HuB Game: ET Clantag : barrysplanet Thinks ive done it correct :unsure:
  16. ooops looks like ive bumped an old topic but i my self am still not sure what glut32.dll means ? -- http://www.warleagues.com/viewnews.asp?view=523 -- MD5Tool Mismatch: glut32.dll (len =32) Maybe Mr Fozzer himself could post on war leagues forum please and explain and put these peeps out of there misery ;) Sorry for bumping this topic but ive searched this forum for glut32.dll and it only brought up 2 topics, this kinda made the most sense but still there was no straight answer. By the way, the server this person got caught cheating on does stream to pbbans (obviously) :)
  17. I would say 99.9%
  18. Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : RTCW Clan Tag : Baz Co-Admin : N|A Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : RTCW Clan Tag : Baz Co-Admin : N|A Server IP: Server Port : 27960 Game : RTCW Clan Tag : Baz Co-Admin : N|A
  19. :huh: - :blink: - :unsure:
  20. Hi, no Im not in that group Im in *Group: Game Admin* but I did apply to be and sent off the necessary pb_logs as requested to prove that Im server Admin ect :) Thanks for your fast replys and looking forward to more help :) P.S, if my avator is offensive then plz let me know and I will remove it B)
  21. Hi, little new to this and cant figure out what Im doing wrong here but when I go to www.pbbans.com and click on the link to Master Streaming Index, I get error saying I do not have permission to veiw that topic, please log in ? I am already logged into the forum but cant find an option to log into www.pbbans.com, help me please :D
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