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Everything posted by **DRC**Sippenhaft

  1. Yes they are. (as far as they told me)
  2. Evenbalance knows its a bug and they are trying to fix that and all the other stuff thats broken :blink:
  3. That title doesnt exist...maybe thats why i got the error? I see the PBUCON in your answer though. I am going to look into it. THANKS!
  4. Yes I am interested in streaming to more than one place...the link you provided above is broken for me... :huh:
  5. AFFIRMATIVE on that. Can I submit hacks like this to you just from logs? I copy your BANS file to incorporate it with the other ban files I have from psb and pb... I had some more... EDIT: Remember this section is publicly viewable.
  6. I think it is, but want to confirm.
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18038 Dup screens are being worked on it s known bug in PB. (thanks Falcon and EB)
  8. Is it only me or are others seeing duplicate screenshots in your screenshot folders??? (ENEMEY TERRITORY) :blink:
  9. My provider said pretty much same as above. My server WAS set for 128 and he felt that that was more than enough...but he bumped it up anyway :D
  10. This is an interesting topic, I just ask my provider what ous is set at... We started getting lag recently, although I atribute it to the PB update problesm that are going on. I increased my PERSONAL Hunkmegs but didnt really see any difference....So that is why Im leaning towards the PB being the culprit... Will let you know what my provider says. :)
  11. Have you sent a message to PB to let them know?? Maybe they would like to know this info.... :unsure:
  12. PB is again only LOGGING cheats and such. Thier patch 1.250 for their patch 1.249 was bad. KICKING IS DISABLED again. Now realize also, the cheaters know PB is broken so watching your logs/screenies is the only way right now to catch them until PB fixes thier stuff. We have many many in the logs for packetloss
  13. PB is again only LOGGING cheats and such. Thier patch for their patch was bad. KICKING IS DISABLED again. The WALL HACKS that you find in those logs, go see if you can find a screenshot and submit it...they will get banned sooner or later... My logs are loaded with PACKET LOSS and a couple OS privledge problems. Now the OS privledge problem is a side effect of a new hack out for some users of it....so if you see that, I would recommend checking screenshots and logs for cvar hacks. IT IS NOT DEFINETLY THE CHEAT CAUSEING THE OS PRIVLEDGE ERROR, BUT it is on the hack sites that that is a side effect for some using a certain cheat that is out. The cheat is not PBscreenie proof afaik. Now realize also, the cheaters know PB is broken so watching your logs/screenies is the only way right now to catch them until PB fixes thier stuff. :blink:
  14. It got so bad I had to disable PB last night. I just turned it back on to see what happens....(930am eastern time) I also sent some more support tickets to EB. :rolleyes:
  15. DOH! they already had to patch the patch! We had TONS of PACKET LOSS kicks...hopefully this take care of that situation
  16. We got alot of people a few months back suddenly comming in with the 40000 violation...we just changed our setting to pb_sv_cvar rate IN 2500 40000 to check your rate in the console just type "/rate" to change the rate type "/rate 25000" (or whatever number you want) Read here for other interesting tidbits about cvars and such:CLICK HERE!!
  17. New patch from PB came out on the 20th for the servers...clientside patch is still forthcomming...so you still may be getting some errors and such in your cheat/violations logs.
  18. Gotta follow the mentor! :P Just signed up to stream here too. Just waiting for reply. Question for you, can you stream to more than one place? IE here and punksbusted? Will it effect the ping (ie get laggy?) Thanks!
  19. Just came by to say hello. I was put on to your sight by another member (Pinacle) and think the work done to stop cheaters is great! Thanks! :D
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