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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. Why is the name taken out... :rolleyes:
  2. Hub Server Name: CasperHelix.com DM IP: Port: 20115 Version: F.E.A.R. v1.08 Tag: [CHP]
  3. F.E.A.R. v1.08 Server Name: [CHP] CTF [Recruiting] Clantag: [CHP] IP: Port: 28963
  4. Any word on how to fix this yet?
  5. No i have no idea how many AV programs there are to be honest and I am happy that PB still looks into an old game as SOF.
  6. It would have been nice if it was properly tested and didn't kick good people from servers.. but other then that, good work.. :blink:
  7. I got the same thing... :blink:
  8. Server regulars who have been playing over 2 years and were never booted before, are being booted today.. :blink:
  9. Solved. Thanks for the help.
  10. I will try that as soon as I get home. Thanks guys.
  11. Where do I delete it from? I just checked and pbbans.dat and it only contains this: We use rocmod-noble so I normally ban using /adm pban, instead of /adm pbban... There are not in pbans.ban either.
  12. We had a guy in our server with god status, the same bug as before... He banned a bunch of people so I cleared the pbans.dat but everyone remains banned? What do I do to unban everyone?
  13. As far as I know, my brother in law is declined access to this site because he is in some way linked to a GUID that has been used to hack. A GUID that was been used by several HUNDRED people, so the chances are its a leaked key. He is directly linked to 2 GUID's, both clean as a whistle. Yet, he was declined access to this site wich made us decide to not stream. What good is streaming for us if the clan punkbuster can not even get his info from here? He did not get access, not even limited access. He has never hacked. He checks 700MB of PB screenies (our CTF only) every week. He does everything to keep hackers out, yet he has been branded a hacker, or atleast as 'not trusted' because he is in some way linked to a key, that was used by one of the hundred entries that used it, to hack. If this is your policy, it's your policy. Nothing can be done about that. It only means we have to keep a closer look on our server, checks and screenies, and that one of the biggest clans in SOF2 with the most active servers aren't streaming.
  14. Who said anything about being added to the MBI? Is it a lie that people who are linked through some steps to a banned GUID do NOT get access to this site? Isn't that BRANDING them as a hacker? I am not confused, I think it's weird that people who have not been caught hacking themselves but are in some way LINKED to a GUID used for hacking, do not get access. It's in no way proven that they have EVER hacked, yet you keep them from this site, like you keep away hackers. If someone is linked to a banned GUID DIRECTLY, its a different story.
  15. Read my reply.. ;) I can't update my own copy of the game, so there is nothing to upload to the server...
  16. Pretty shitty. I downloaded the update to 1.08 and when I run it it says FEAR Combat is not installed and it shuts down...
  17. About 1.08, can I find the updated files somewhere?
  18. We had the same with nades. They were disabled but with a simple console command you could get them anyway.
  19. That's weird? People who are linked through a few links with a banned GUID, don't even get access to this website. In other words, they are branded a hacker without ANY form of proof.
  20. No, I don't need to see what's going on.. but it feels like i'm faster and I move smoother. I like the smoothness.
  21. It's not bad, i'll try it for a few maps to see if im 1337 now ;) I got my cfg on read only and I don't want to change it, can I make a seperate file with this in it, my name in other colors and a different crosshair color? And what do I name it, I don't want to name it like a hack cfg by mistake.
  22. I played with it.. it feels weird at first.. it looks like the map is stretched out or whatever and I also have the feeling I move faster? That's propably my imagination?
  23. Ah so it shows a wider screen? I figure this is used when someone has a widescreen monitor? I got a regular 17" TFT, would it be worth trying it? (How was your vacation btw?)
  24. I have it on stock and someone told me he had set it to 100. So I'm wondering what the allowed setting is for this? And can someone explain what FOV actually does?
  25. If you use that, wouldn't only the sound on your own PC be silenced? I mean, everyone with a regular soundpack can still hear the AK blasting?
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