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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. The guys was on the cheat log, does this mean he got rid of the bannable files? Or that it just wasnt picked up?
  2. Any idea what it could be? The nambot.cfg?
  3. I don't know what this script does, but I absolutely hate it when people use those leanbinds... Where they wiggle when you shoot them.. I cheatlist for it and explain that we don't like that n our servers.
  4. Im going through the PB logs and I come across this: MD5Tool Mismatch: base/nambot.cfg (len=32) MD5Tool Mismatch: base/mp/GammaModels.pk3 (len=32) I know about gammamodels, but what is the .cfg file? And has it got anything to do with gammamodels?
  5. I see people in our server getting kicked for: MD5Tool Mismatch: sof2mp.exe (len=2048) I thought it was just to start up MP? Is this a hack of some sort?
  6. I'm pretty sure you can get behind that wall on MP_italy. But from the roof you can't see that spot..not even with all the glitches.
  7. Thanks for the info guys.. I will give it a try. My framerate really sucks monkeyballs.. have to get a new card soon.
  8. I found this tip, but I would like to make sure that this is not 'illegal' to do? And if someone knows, what the 2 settings do...?
  9. Someone answered no... but that's not entirely true. On this site (http://www.tweakguides.com/COD2_1.html) you can find legal ways to tweak your COD. Setting your videocard to low can sometimes be an advantage... But, who wants to look at a crappy screen during a game just to get a slight advantage? I know I wouldnt...
  10. Not for every concerned admin... :rolleyes: :P
  11. Thats what pbbans does... :P
  12. Isn't he gonna be hardware banned? Or when does this kick in?
  13. Yes
  14. WTF.. there is a red scorpion playing our server frequently... :unsure:
  15. I dont get all the hacks.. the red crosshair..whats that supposed to do? And this one..? Whats wrong here..? http://mohaa.slushey.net/caught006.png
  16. Yeah I know, but how do I make sure I didnt download anything harmfull while I auto downloaded all mods?
  17. It's not here yet... But how does this work? Cause servers have been around for months with no anti-cheat? You have to auto download on almost every server.. What is the best thing to do? Just re-install the game?
  18. Rumours say it will be released tommorow... Let's hope so!
  19. Oh... sorry for posting the name then.. :o
  20. Yesterday and today I noticed that 5 or 6 people were kicked for this file... It were all public players. Can someone tell me what this is? Is it harmless? I can't image that so many people get booted for that file in such short period of time?
  21. It depends on what game you come from. I know MrX plays SOF2 and Tim does too... A lot of people that come from SOF2 communities start to play CoD2. To me, CoD2 is the best game around.. A lot of action going on, a cool eXtreme mod available wich enhances the gameplay... I don't understand why people could say it's a pile of shit. Don't understand why people wouild say that about SOF2 either.. it's an old game but there are still lots of people playing it.
  22. Yes, I started playing CoD2 and gave up after playing for a week... Now I'm back in it since we got our own server, playing against people we know. The Killcam is especially frustrating.. people following you around when you are behind walls.... :blink: Now that we have our own server, running the eXtreme mod, I see how good this game really is..
  23. The person in question came to our server yesterday, was pbanned a few times but he kep comming back. He was saying that he was not on pbbans and several people in CHP were. Is there anyway someone can get me a list with all CHP prefixes? This is getting really old...
  24. It still is old bussiness, that's why I don't name people.. It's solved. I didn't say it to get people in trouble. Like I said, I haven't had people judging me because I'm CHP. I know you don't mean me... And MrX isnt the person to start one either... :rolleyes:
  25. What's a lot? From the 10 entries someone has shown me, atleast 3 are and have never been CHP. Then there are some people that had generated keys that were banned, that doesnt mean anything. Except they have to buy an original copy.. ;) And then the 4 wallhackers, trik-trak, C5, Sandra and Silent started their own clan. MDK... But, all of that still doesnt give someone the right to go around spreading rumours that they all got caught in one scrims and that the clan owner was one of them, thats BS. No matter what explanation you might have... If someone can post all CHP players that are on the list... :rolleyes: The people I have: [CHP]SilentBob - Was out before I was in, was booted for a hack. [CHP] Jigsaw - 10 year old kid, used a generated key. Stopped playing. [CHP]ZigZagRezzin - He's in MDK now [CHP] ROBERT - 13 yr old kid, asked for a try-out and we said no. Was never CHP. [CHP]<<FacelessMan>> - Retired his CHP himself [CHP] GoNzO - Never heard of a Gonzo [CHP] Silent - Former CHP leader, got caught by F4F. Now MDK leader. [CHP]**C5** - Now MDK [CHP] Trik--Tra - Now MDK [CHP]**Sandra - now MDK [CHP]SnotRocket - Never heard of him The only name I have, [CHP]MrNoBrainor, is still in the clan. He can play on every pb protected server with a new key. We now have over 35 active members, SOF2 only. Before, we used to have 50+ players with CHP tags. So that's a lot... After MrX caught a few, we got rid of the bad apples and we still need to do that on occasion :D
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